Computer Application Question Paper

Computer Application 

Course:Computer Application

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2017


SECTION A (31 Marks): Answer all question in this section

Question 1(16 marks)
a).Explain steps taken to open and close a file in MS Word? (4Mks)
b).Describe the data types available in Ms Access (5Mks)
c).outline and describe the hardware devises used to connect several computers in a network (4mks)
d).Outline the steps followed in creating a presentation in MS PowerPoint.(3Mks)
e).When do we used borders in Ms Excel and why? (3mks)

Question 2(15 Marks)
a)outline the components that makes up the modern computer.(5Mks)
b)What is software? Software is categorized into two, outline and briefly defined.(6Mks)
c)Which feature do you use to create a newspaper like document in MS Word? Explain how it is used(4mks)

SECTION B(39 MARKS): Answer Any Three questions in this section

Question 3(13 Marks)
a)Describe what is an operation system? Briefly explain its functions (6Mks)
b)Identify any five applications software that come with Ms office Suite 2007. Briefly describe any two uses of each(7Mks)

Question Four (13 mks)
a) Describe the advantages of using PowerPoint Presentation.(6Mks)
b) Clearly explain, under what circumstances would a spreadsheet, e.g. MS Excel be more preferable than word processor, e.g. MS Word 2007 (7mks)

Question 5(13 mks)
a) Explain the following terms
b) How is data and information stored in the computer? Describe(5mks)

Question 6(13mks)
a)Describe three types of relationship found in Ms Access (6mks)
b)There are several choices when you want to add a new slide to a presentation. List three choices

Question 7(13mks)
a)Describe the following as used in MS Excel
-Cell reference
-Active cell
b)Discuss the four object found in Ms-Access

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