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Form 2 Physics Opener Exam Term Iii 2017 Question Paper

Form 2 Physics Opener Exam Term Iii 2017 


Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2017

Form 2 Physics
1)An empty density bottle has a mass of 25g.Its mass is 50g when full of water and 45g when full of another liquid.
a)What is the density of the liquid. (3mks)
2)Define cohesive and adhesive force.(1mk)
3)The diagram showing two glass tubes one containing mercury and the other water.
Explain the shape of each liquid in the tube.(2mks)
4)The diagram showing a stone falling freely.
Show on the diagram two forces acting on the stone.(2mks)
5)Differentiate between radiation and convection as modes of heat transfer. (2mks)
6)The figure showing a perpex container with a square base of side 5cm carrying water to a height of 7cm.
When a pebble is immersed into the water the level rises to 10cm.What is the volume of the pebble.(3mks)
7)What happens to the motion of smoke particles in the smoke cell experiment. When the apparatus from a warm to a cooler environment. (2mks)
8)Give a reason why concrete beam reinforced with steel does not crack when subjected to changes in temperature. (2mks)
9)Explain the following
a)Why a shiny tea pot stays hotter than a dark brown tea pot.(2mks)
b)Why metals are good heat conductors.(1mk)
10)Define upper fixed points. (2mks)
c)The diagram showing an arrangement used to determine the upper fixed points of ungraduated thermometer.
a)Name liquid A.(1mk)
b)Why is the bulb of thermometer is not dipper in liquid A.(2mks)
c)State 4 factors that affect thermal conductivity ie. Conduction of heat.(2mks)
12)Jupiter gravitational field strength is 26N/kg what would be the weight of an object that weight 30N on earth(take g=10N/kg). (2mks)
13)State 3 energy losses in a thermos and explain how to minimize losses. (3mks)
14 a)Draw and label 3 parts of an electroscope. (3mks)
b)State 3 uses of an electroscope. (3mks)
c)Explain two application of electrostatic charges. (2mks)
d)Describe 3 ways of changing on an electroscope. (2mks)
15)Give the names of the following electrical symbols.
16)A current of 0.1A passes in a circuit for 2.5 minutes. How much change passes through a point in the circuit. (3mks)
17)Distinguish between electromotive force and potential difference of a cell.(2mks)
12)Jupiter gravitational field strength is 26N/kg what would be the weight of an object that weight 30N on earth(take g=10N/kg). (2mks)
13)State 3 energy losses in a thermo flask and explain how to minimize losses. (3mks)
14 a)Draw and label 3 parts of an electroscope. (3mks)
b)State 3 uses of an electroscope. (3mks)
c)Explain two applications of electrostatic charges. (2mks)
d)Describe 3 ways of changing on an electroscope. (2mks)
15)Give the names of the following electrical symbols.
16)A current of 0.1A passes in a circuit for 2.5 minutes. How much change passes through a point in the circuit. (3mks)
17)Distinguish between electromotive force and potential difference of a cell.(2mks)

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