313/2 C.R.E Paper 2-Mini-Mock 2014 Form 4 Term 3 Question Paper

313/2 C.R.E Paper 2-Mini-Mock 2014 Form 4 Term 3 


Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2014

313/2 C.R.E PAPER 2-MINI-MOCK 2014

1(a) Outline six revelations about jesus from the Annunciation of his birth (6marks)
(b) Identify six roles of jesus from dedication ceremony(6 marks)
(c) Give eight lessons Christians learn from Zachariah and Elizabeth.(8 marks)

2(a) State seven qualities of a true desciple from the sermon on the plain(7 marks)
(b) Describe the healing of the leper(7 marks)
(c) outline the importance of baptism to Christians today(6 marks)

3(a) Narrate the parable of the wicked tenants Lk 19:9-18(7 marks)
(b) Describe the events associated with the crucifixion of Jesus.(8 marks)
(c) Give three reasons why Christians should be ready to suffer(5 marks)

4(a) Why did Jesus send the Holy spirit to the disciples?(7 marks)
(b) Explain the taechings on the unity belivers under the title 'the blind'(8 marks)
(c) Give the importance of the fruit of love in the modern church(5 marks)

5(a) Outline the importance of leisure in traditional African communities.(7 marks)
(b) Show ways in which th excessive use of alcohol can affect a Christian family.(7 marks)
(c) Identity six differences between the traditional Africans and Christian understanding of marriage.(6 marks)

6(a) Give seven reasons why Christians should work.(7 marks)
(b) Outline six ways in which employers show respect to their employees.(6 marks)
(c) Identify the measures Christians can take to solve the problems of unemployment.(7 marks)

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