Form 1 Biology Revision Question Paper
Form 1 Biology Revision
Institution: Form 1 question papers
Exam Year:2017
NAME: ……………………………………………ADM.NO.…………….STREAM…………
? Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
1. Give three rules governing binomial nomenclature (3 marks)
2. Give any three precautionally measures observed during specimen collection. (2 marks)
3. The diagram below represents a part of a cell membrane.
Name parts A and B. (2 marks)
A _________________________________________
B _________________________________________
4. Which property does part B give to the cell membrane? (1 mark)
5. State three roles of active transport in living organisms. (3 marks)
6. State and explain any three characteristics shown by living things but not non-living things. (6 marks)
7. Explain the following branches of Biology:- (6 marks)
(i) Zoology
(ii) Genetic
(iii) Anatomy
8. Complete the table:- (5marks)
Eye piece lens Objective lens Total Magnification
X4 X36
X25 X125
X13 X234
9. State the functions of the below parts of a microscope:- (10 marks)
(i) Fine adjustment knob
(ii) The mirror
(iii) Diaphragm
(iv) Condenser
(v) Ocular/Eye piece
10. Name the examples of organism that belong to the following kingdom. (8 marks)
(i) Monera
(ii) Insect
(iii) Anthropoda
(iv) Fungi
11. Differentiate between an organelle and a cell. (2 marks)
12. Define the following terms:- (6 marks)
(i) Organ system
(ii) Tissue
(iii) Organ
13. State five factors that are controlled by the nucleus. (5 marks)
14. State and explain the factors affecting the rate of diffusion. (5 marks)
15. Explain the differences between:- (6 marks)
(i) Osmotic pressure and osmotic potential
(ii) Tugor pressure and wall pressure
(iii) Plasmolysis and wilting
Form 1 Biology Revision question paper
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