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Ucu 103:Critical And Creative Thinking Question Paper

Ucu 103:Critical And Creative Thinking 

Course:Critical And Creative Thinking

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2014

Ucu103: Introduction To Critical And Creative Thinking
1.Examine the view that critical and creative thinking is essential for good life.(30marks)
2."A good decision maker and problem solver is one that is appropriately moved by reason."Discuss.(20marks)
3.Using relevant examples,three each from both fallacies of relevance and ambiguity,demonstrate that fallacious thinking is repugnant to good thinking.(20marks)
4.Examine the view that Rene Descartes'Mathodic Doubt exemplifies critical and creative thinking.(20marks)
5.Discuss the relevance of critical and creative thinking tools of tranformation as essential traits to a critical and creative thinker.(20marks)

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