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Sca 301: Analytical Chemistry Question Paper

Sca 301: Analytical Chemistry 

Course:Analytical Chemistry

Institution: University Of Embu question papers

Exam Year:3

1(a)Differentiate between the following terms:
-intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors
-monochromatic and poly-chromatic light
(b)Briefly explain what superconductors material are.
(c)State beers law and briefly explain its limitation to linearity
(d)State whats calibration to curve and explain how its used in quantitative analysis,include any necessary diagram
(e)Why do quantitative and qualitative analysis require different monochromatic slit widths?
(f)List four spectroscopic methods based on electromagnetic spectrum involved .
2(a)A solution with concentration of 0.26M is measured to have absorbance of 0.83.Another solution of same chemical is measured under same conditions and has absorbance of 0.67.Calculate the concentration of the latter solution.
(b)Differentiate between continuum source and line source and in each give two examples.
(c)List three wavelength selectors and describe any particular advantages possessed by one over the other.
(d)Describe how you would prepare 250Ml o 2M NAOH standard solution.Include the calculation involved (Mw of NAOH 40g/mol)
(e)If you are provided with stock solution of 10M NAOH,describe how you will prepare 250Ml of 2M NAOH standard solution

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