Kenyatta University Efn 204:Sociology Of Education Past Paper June 2010 Question Paper
Kenyatta University Efn 204:Sociology Of Education Past Paper June 2010
Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts In English Literature
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2010
QUESTION ONE(Compulsory)
a)Sociology of education has been defined as a "major and specified branch of sociology,which systematically and scientifically studies the sociological issues,problems and questions that occur within the education phenomena" Discuss this definition using relevant examples with particular emphasis on the underlined sections.
b)Discuss three (3) factors that contributed to the development of sociology of education as a discipline.
a)Using appropriate examples,discuss the eight principles of schooling.
a)Giving examples from the Kenyan school system,discuss various aspects of school organization that influence teacher professionalization and pedagogical practices.
b)How important is teacher professional socialization reform in Kenya.
a)What is socio-economic status?
b)Discuss areas in which the socio economic background of a student affects his/her academic performance in Kenyan schools.
Gender issues constitute a core area in the sociology of education.
a)Briefly explain the link between gender,education and sociology of education.
b)Identify and discuss four educational issues where research has demonstrated the impact of gender.
c)How should a school teacher respond practically to each of the four issues you have identified in part(b) above.
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