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101/1 English Functional Skills Paper 1. Vihiga, Hamisi, Emuhaya Joint District Mock Examination Question Paper

101/1 English Functional Skills Paper 1. Vihiga, Hamisi, Emuhaya Joint District Mock Examination 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

1. Functional writing.

The chairman of the drama club in your school has called a meeting to discuss the following agenda:

- Preliminaries
- Confirmation of minutes of the previous meeting
- The visit of Sakawa Secondary School drama club
- End of year party
- A.O.B

As the secretary of the club, write down the minutes of the meeting. In the previous meeting, the zonal drama festival results were discussed and election of new officials held. (20mks)

2. Fill the blank spaces with the most appropriate word.

This year's maize crop will be a 1________ twenty million bags, the permanent secretary in the ministry 2________ Agriculture said yesterday. Congratulating the marketing officers at a two day seminar he said he was fully 3______ about the acute transport and 4_________ problems the officers were facing and 5__________ them steps were being taken to improve 6._________

He reminded them of the need to continue crop 7_______ exercises, which are being carried out under the 8______ of provincial rural development offices and to make themselves familiar with village 9_________ committees.

He warned that unplanned agricultural production led to sporadic gluts and shortages of essential 10 _______which created insurmountable marketing problems.

3. Oral skills

a. Read the song below and answer the questions that follow.


Leah, I sing you praise for your kinsmen are mighty
The big armed one from up.
You gave me a pair of trousers,
which, when I put on, the girls come.
Flocking after me swearing they'll
Marry me and come to mumbo, the land of plenty
. And I reply that, a ooyo, I've no wealth.
My only possession is the lyre.

Leah, I'll sing your praise until I die.
You gave me a hundred shillings and a table cloth,
Leah, you are generous, you are beautiful, hard working.
You excel many women.
The girl from the plateau.


1. Suppose you were the performer of this song, how would you involve the audience during the performance? (3mks)

2. How would you make line 4-10 more effective as you perform the song to an audience? (4mks.)

3a. in which THREE ways would an audience react during the presentation of this song? (3mks.)

b. From the following sets of words, pick the odd one out., feat, feet

ii. Chore, arch, charisma

iii. Sweet, education, cliché

iv. God, goat, got

C. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
I summon up remembrance of things past,
I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought
And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste
Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow,
For precious friends hid in death's dateless night,
And weep afresh love's long since cancelled woe,
And moan the expense of many a vanished sight.
Then can I grieve at grievances foregone,
And heavily woe to woe tell o'er
The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan,
Which I new pay as if not paid before.
But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,
All loses are restored and sorrows end.

i. Describe and explain the rhyme scheme of this poem (2mks.)

ii. Identify two other sound patterns in the poem (2mks)

iii. How would you recite the last line of the poem? (2mks.)

3d. how would you make a debating session in your school effective? (4mks.)

3e. You met the principal of your school in town and tried to hide from him but he saw you. Complete the following dialogue between the principal and you when he summoned you to his office the following day.

You: ________________________________1mk.
Principal: what were you doing in town yesterday at ten when you were supposed to be at school?
You: _____________________________________ 1mk.
Principal: okay, I will find out from her. But why didn't you go straight to the hospital?
You: __________________________________________2mks.
Principal: and who were those boys you were with?
You: Those were my brothers, sir.
Principal: (smiling) I see. I thought your mother told me you are an only child.
You: (hesitating) _________________________________1mk.
Principal: I forgive you. Next time, be truthful. You can go.
You: _______________________ 1mk.

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