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Cre Paper One Form Three Question Paper

Cre Paper One Form Three 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2016

Answer any five questions in the spaces provided.Arrange your work properly.
1.a)Explain eight benefits of learning Christian Religious Education in secondary schools. (8 marks)
b)With reference to the creation stories in Genesis 1 and 2, mention six teachings about marriage. (6 marks)
c)Identify six literary forms used in writing of the Bible. (6 marks)
2.a)state eight promises that God made to Abraham in Haran and Caanan. (8 marks)
b)Give conditions that God gave the Israelites during the renewal of the covenant. (6 marks)
c)Mention six ways in which Christians demonstrate their obedience to God. (7marks)
3.a)State seven functions of the Temple in Jerusalem at the time of king Solomon. (7marks)
b)Explain ways in which the Israelites moved away from the true worship of Yahweh during prophet Elijah's time.(6 marks)
c)Identity seven ways how the church is promoting the true worship of God in Kenya today.(7 mark)
4.a)Outline seven characteristics of false prophets.(7 marks)
b)Explain four visions of prophet Amos.(8 marks)
c)Mention ways in which God communicates to his people today(5 marks)
5.a)Describe the content of Jeremiah's letter to the exiles in Babylon according to Jeremiah 29:1-32.(7 marks)
b)Explain four visions of prophet Amos.(8 marks)
c)Identify any five social evils that a true prophet of God would condemn in the modern society(5 marks)
b)Explain four differences between the New Covenant foretold by Jeremiah and the Sinai Covenant. (8 marks)
c)Identify any five social evils that a true prophet of God would condemn in the modern society (5marks)
6.a)Give six factors that contribute to harmony and mutual responsibility in Africa Societies. (6 marks)
b)Outline reasons why cleansing rituals were performed in Traditional African Societies. (6mark)
c)which factors have led to the weakening of kinship ties in Kenya today?(8 marks)

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