Kenyatta University Efn 204:Sociology Of Education Past Paper April,2011 Question Paper

Kenyatta University Efn 204:Sociology Of Education Past Paper April,2011 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts In English Literature

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Answer question One and any other TWO questions.

1.a)Explain the meaning of Sociology and Sociology of Education. (6 marks)
b)Qualify the statement that sociology of education is an important discipline in the teacher training curriculum (18 marks)

2.a)What do you understand by the term sociological theory?
b)Using relevant examples,discuss the theory of symbolic interactionism and its application of education. (18 marks)
3.a)Explain the terms
i)Socio economic status (2 marks)

ii)Social class (2 marks)

iii)Social mobility (2 marks)
b)Using examples,critically discuss how education contributes to social stratification in a contemporary society.(17 marks)

4.a)Differentiate between the terms gender and sex.(6 marks)

b)As a relational concept,gender is central to educational processes and outcomes.
Discuss this statement by explaining five gender issues in education in Kenya. (17 marks)

5.a)Using examples,explain what you understand by the term 'agent of socialization' (5marks)

b)Compare and contrast Locke's and Cooley's theories in terms of how they explain the process of socialization that occurs in the school setting. (18 marks)

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