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I.R.E Standard 8 Question Paper

I.R.E Standard 8 

Course:Primary Level

Institution: Kcpe question papers

Exam Year:2009


1. One of the following Surah teaches about giving sacrifice?
A. Al-fiyl
B. Al-Kauthar
C. Al-Lkhlas
D. Al-Maun

2. Islam does not accept the idea that Allah rested on the 7th day because He?
A. Does not get tired
B. Had not finished the creation
C. Is more hard working
D. Rest on the special days

3. The angels bowed to Adam because?
A. Angels must bow to human beings
B. It was a sign of respect to Adam''s knowledge
C. Angels must bow to prophets
D. The angels love bowing

4. The Surah of Qur''an that gives a warning of punishment to people who neglect to perform salat and help the poor is?
A. Falaq
B. Fatiha
C. Kafirun
D. Maun

5. The prophet described the best Sadaqa as the one given by the right hand while the left one is not aware of it. This means?
A. We should not give sadaqa with the left hand
B. We should avoid people on the left
C. We should make sure that no one knows about it
D. We should give sadaqa using right hand

6. Who among the following will be punished by having a rope of fire round the neck according to the Quran?
A. Ummul Jamil
B. Hind
C. Abu Jahl
D. Abu Sufyan

7. The prophet (S.A.W) said: "Muslims are like a single building, each side holds the other". The hadith teaches the importance of?
A. Unity among muslims
B. Congregational prayers
C. Building strong houses
D. Social gathering

8. The second source of Shariah is the?
A. Qur''an
B. Suhuf
C. Ijma
D. Hadith

9. Which statement is CORRECT on removal of Najasat?
A. Medium: wash it 3 times
B. Heavy: wash it 7 times
C. Light: wash it 4 times
D. Medium: wash it 1 time

10. In tayammum we do not?
A. Wipe our faces
B. Wipe our hands
C. Make Niyyah
D. Wipe our feet

11. A seven years old Muslim child is forced to go to the Mosque in order to?
A. Make him form a habit of praying
B. Prevent him from sinning
C. Stop him from being too playful
D. Encourage him to mix with other children

12. The Iddah for death take
A. Three months
B. Until childbirth
C. Four months and ten days
D. Two months

13. The only time when we can disobey our parents is when
A. They send us out at night
B. They send us out many times
C. We have home work
D. They want us to do shirk

14. Suleiman has found Hassan and Hussein discussing how to break into the Library. The BEST action for Suleiman to take is to
A. Move away from them
B. Tell them why it is wrong
C. Report them to the headmaster
D. Make them stop their discussion

15. The greatest Jihad according to the hadith of the prophet (S.A.W) is?
A. To face the enemy of Islam
B. To fight in the army of the prophet
C. To fight against our souls'' desire for evils
D. To fight in the army of caliphs

16. The wearing of Ihram during Hajj is a symbol of:
A. Equality of Muslims
B. Universal peace
C. Muslims tolerance
D. Is a form of worship

17. Raliyah performs sunnah prayers. Which one of the following has she been praying during the daytime?
A. Witr
B. Taraweh
C. Tahajud
D. Dhuha

18. No matter how we disobey Him, Allah is still generous. Thus we refer to Him as
A. Al-Mujib
B. Al-Wadud
C. Al-Karim
D. Ashaheed

19. Muslims believe in all the prophets mainly because:
A. They are not many
B. They were sent
C. They want us to believe in them
D. They died for us

20. A business practice that is forbidden in Islam is
A. Lending money to gain interest
B. Issuing receipts for goods sold
C. Keeping business records
D. Displaying prices of goods

21. Said received good news that he has passed his examinations. He immediately performed Sujud. Which Sajdat did he perform
A. Tilawa
B. Sahau
C. Sabr
D. Shukr

22. The prophet (S.A.W) was taken to Isra Wal Miiraj MAINLY to
A. Give him relief over the death of his wife and uncle
B. Meet other prophets
C. See the countries
D. Have a ride on Buraq

23. One of the statements is true about Friday and Idd prayers. Which one?
A. Both have no adhan
B. Both are fardh prayers
C. Both are two rakaat
D. Both are sunnah

24. Sunnah Fasts were observed most by prophet (S.A.W) in the month of:
A. Rabiul
B. Sha''ban
C. Muharam
D. Rajab

25. In Islam marriage can only be accepted if
A. The bridegroom has given sadaqa to the poor
B. A dua is recited
C. There is a wedding party
D. The parties involved have agreed

26. When life in Makkah became unbearable for the first Muslims, the prophet (S.A.W) advised them to migrate to
A. Egypt
B. Abyssinia
C. Syria
D. Palestine

27. After the defeat of Badr, the Quraish wanted to
A. Remove idols from the Kaabah
B. Sign a peace treaty with the Muslims
C. Take revenge for their defeat
D. Convert to Islam

28. The first prophet of Allah to be circumcised was
A. Ibrahim
B. Musa
C. Issa
D. Ishaq

29. Who among the following prophets observed the sun, the moon and the stars while searching for Allah
A. Nuh
B. Daud
C. Shuaib
D. Ibrahim

30. Ashurah heard his friend Shamsia has been taken ill and admitted to hospital. Ashura should
A. Take flowers as a gift
B. Offer dua for his recovery
C. Extend his stay by his bedside
D. Consult a witch doctor

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