Rel 2100 Question Paper

Rel 2100 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Maasai Mara University question papers

Exam Year:2017

Answer question ONE (compulsory) and any other Two
1)using the four idols of mind by Francis Beckon discuss the political situation in Kenya and use relevant examples.(15mks)
b) Discuss for or against this statement "my dress my choice." (15mks)
2)"It is better to be a dissatisfied man than being a satisfied pig" discuss this statement using the knowledge from studied case of mills(20mks)
3)Discuss five types of thinking and use relevant examples.(20mks)
4)state and explain the intellectual traits of critical thinking citing relevant examples (15mks).
b) Discuss five standards of critical thinking.
5)Discuss six applications of critical thinking in problem solving and decision making in today's life. (20mks)

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