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Eae 405 Development Planning Question Paper

Eae 405 Development Planning 

Course:Development Planning

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2018

QUESTION 1a: Citing relevant examples from Kenya differentiate between perspective, medium-term and annual plans. (6MRKS)
1B.Indicative or planning by inducement has three components or approaches . DISCUSS 14MRKS

QUESTION 2A. Citing example,differentiate between the various planning procedures 10MRKS
2B Describe the various types of development plans 10 MRKS
QUESTION 3a. An economy has three sectors: Agriculture, Tourism and Construction. The technology matrix (A) and the final demand matrix (F) in year 2013 were as:
A = F =

i) Find the output levels in the three sectors that are required to satisfy the input and final demand
ii) Find the proportion of primary inputs required in each of the sectors
iii) If the final demand in year 2013 are expected to change by the following

?F =
Calculate the change in sectoral output in the three sectors so as to satisfy the change in demand 20 mrks
question 4. discuss the limitations of cost benefit analysis 20mrks
question 5. derive the THE INCREMENTAL CAPITAL ? OUTPUT RATIO (ICOR) 20 mrks

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