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Chavakali Pre-Registration Examination. Question Paper

Chavakali Pre-Registration Examination. 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2008


1. Highlight five advantages of direct tax (5mks)

2. State four types of partnerships (4mks)

3. Highlight five reasons why market research is important to a business (5mks)

4. Distinguish between commercial banks and non-bank financial institutions (5mks)

5. Some countries have been having high population growth rate. Highlight FOUR advantages of this (4mks)

6. Highlight four characteristics of indirect production (4mks)

7. Outline four functions of Management (4mks)

8. Draw a diagram to show long run equilibrium position for a firm under monopolistic competition (4mks)

9. Marketing boards in Kenya have been experiencing difficulties. Highlight five problems faced by marketing boards (5mks)

10. Tramp ships have unique advantages. Highlight four. (4mks)

11. State four advantages of using business reply services (4mks)

12. Give four distinctions between bonded warehouse and free warehouse (4mks)

13. Highlight four limitations of using the per capita to compare the economic performance of two different countries. (4mks)

14. Highlight four factors that make a risk valid for insurance. (4mks)

15. As a good sales person, there are certain qualities you must posses. Highlight five. (5mks)

16. State four internal factors that influence the performance of a business (4mks)

17. Name five ways in which a statement of account is important to a seller. (5mks)

18. List four contents of articles of association of a company (4mks)

19. Identify five situations which may lead to abnormal demand curves. (5mks)

20. Outline four causes of "cost-push" inflation (4mks)

21. The following are some accounts available to consumers in the Kenyan banking industry. Current account, savings account and fixed deposit account. Give the account that corresponds to each of the descriptions given below (4mks)

a. Account holders require to deposit a specific initial amount as well as maintain a minimum balance.

b. Account holder may deposit and withdraw money whenever they want without maintaining a minimum balance.

c. Banks pay interest on the deposit at comparatively higher rates.

d. Money may be deposited at any time and interest is earned if a specified balance is maintained.

23. State four ways that may be used to control the amount of money in circulation by the central bank (4mks)

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