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Ses 212: Introduction To Geographic Information Systems Question Paper

Ses 212: Introduction To Geographic Information Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Environmental Studies

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2016

University of eldoret
2016/2017 University examinations
SES 212: Introduction to geographic information systems
Answer all questions in Section A and any other four in section B
Use illustrations wherever they serve
Section A
1a) Distinguish between the following terms
i) latitudes and longitudes (3 marks)
ii) vertical and horizontal datum(3 marks)
iii) attribute and spatial errors(3 marks)
iv) inherent and operational errors(3 marks)
b) Define the terms below (1 mark each)
i) map
ii) Projection
iii) Symbol
iv) point mode digitizing
c) What is manual digitizing in GIS(2 marks)
d) Explain ANY THREE types of graphic elements in a GIS database (3 marks)
e) Explain briefly ANY TWO types of spatial relationships (3 marks)
f) Name and define ANY THREE devices used for data output in GIS (3 marks)
g) State any six elements of a map (3 marks)
2. Explain any five limitations of scanning as a method of data input in GIS (10 marks)
3. Discuss any four functional subsystems of a GIS (10 marks)
4. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of vector data format (five of each) (10 marks)
5. Discuss any five types of GIS analysis (10 marks)
6. Using an illustration and any application of your choice, show the data requirements based on the components of a GIS (10 marks)
7. Discuss how GIS can be applied in Environmental management (10 marks)

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