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Geo 221 Population Geography Question Paper

Geo 221 Population Geography 

Course:Bachelor Of Education (Arts)

Institution: Rongo University question papers

Exam Year:2017

Answer question one and any other three
1.a.Define the following terms (8mks)
Population studies
Natural increase in population
Infatility mortality rate

b.Explain any four factors for the emergence of population geography as a sub branch of geography (8mks)

c)Examine any five factors affecting population distribution in Kenya (5mks)

d)Explain any four features of a modern cencus(4mks)

2.Discuss the contributions of Wilbur zelinsky (1921-2013) to the development of population geography (15mks)

3.Discuss the population structure in Kenya and give its implications on economic development (15mks)

4.Discuss the demographic transition theory (15mks)

5.Asses the role of international agencies in solving population problems(15mks)

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