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Ipt 242: Food Chemistry And Food Microbiology  Question Paper

Ipt 242: Food Chemistry And Food Microbiology  

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Food Science And Technology

Institution: Masinde Muliro University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2016

QUESTION ONE (40 marks)
a) Give the three types of bacteria in nature with respect to temperature.
b) Which of the two types of bacteria is most harmful to foods in storage? Explain why.
c) Give the temperature range within which each of the bacteria thrives.
d) Give three environmental factors which prolong generation time.
e) What is the effect of prolonging generation time to food preservation?
f) What is water activity? Explain how water activity affects microbial growth.
g) Explain why harmless bacteria become harmful to food after a period of multiplication.
h) Sketch the graph of the growth of bacteria numbers growing in a suitable substrate for a long time. Name its major regions and explain what happens in each.
i) If the bacteria in h) above are spore formers, in which stage of this growth will spores appear? Explain.
j) Yeasts are used commercially to produce either alcohol or yeast cells. How would you manipulate the substrate environment to produce either?
k) Distinguish between aerobsis and anaerobsis.
l) How do you produce aerobsis inside a corned beef tin after canning and ensuring total anaerobsis.
QUESTION TWO (20 marks)
a) Enumerate environmental factors which influence the activities of microorganisms in food.
b) Explain how a food scientist can manipulate these factors to preserve food.
a) Distinguish between enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning.
b) What is the “Golden crust”?
c) How does a bread maker achieve and enhance the golden crust?
d) Explain why bread is more commonly spoiled by moulds rather than by bacteria?
QUESTON FOUR (20 marks)
a) Define a “good quality protein”.
b) Differentiate between protein of high biological value and good quality protein.
c) List four monosaccharides and four disaccharides.
d) Give the empirical formula for a protein and give the formula for the simplest protein.

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