Edci 212: Health Physical Education Question Paper

Edci 212: Health Physical Education 

Course:Health Physical Education

Institution: Laikipia University question papers

Exam Year:2017

Instructions:answer question one and any other two questions.
1a)explain briefly ten main determinants of health according to World Health Organization.10mrks
b)one of the objectives of health and physical education is that learners should engage in physical activities in order to promote health,fitness and general body growth and development.Explain five specific behaviours that a learner should achieve under this objective.5mrks
c)state three reasons why following a healthy diet is important. 3mrk
d)justify implementation of knowledge and attitudes about health in school. 6mrks
e)define hysteria and state four symptoms displayed by hysteric students.6mrks
2.a)Discuss five influences of biotic factors on human health. 10mrks
b)Explain five spontaneous effects of development of urban centre. 10mrks
3.a)Explain the meaning of the term mental health.2mrks
b)State four causes of mental illness. 4mrks
c)Discuss seven characteristics of mentally mature person.14mrks
4.a)Explain the meaning of the term infectious diseases. 2mrks
b)Highlight three mechanisms of preventing disease.3mrks
c)State three categories of diseases likely to occur in the school environment. 3mrks
d)Discuss six approaches the school environment should use to promote positive health and healthy behaviours among students. 12mrks
5.a)Explain the meaning of the term"exercise prescription "and Explain its significance. 2mrks
b)Discuss six prinples of exercise program design.6mrks
c)Elaborate three major steps a teacher must adhere to during an exercise working plan.6mrks
d)Discuss six skills related components of physical fitness.6mrks

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