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Eco 105:Innovation And Entrepreneurship Question Paper

Eco 105:Innovation And Entrepreneurship 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Economics

Institution: Rongo University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Answer question one and any other three

1.a.Discuss the role played by entrepreneurship in the economic development of any economy(15mks)

b.Value analysis is a cost reduction process in production of a good or service.Discuss five additional benefits of value analysis according to David and Nicholas (2006)(10mks)

2.'Companies are at the center of innovation'Discuss(15mks)

3.Explain five objectives of a business plan(15mks)

4."Whereas innovations are able to generate competitive advantages in theedium and long term ,innovate is essential for the sustainability of the companies and the countries in the future"Explain (15mks)

5.Discuss five factors affecting entrepreneurial growth in Kenya (15mks)

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