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Eco 106:Innovation And Entrepreneurship Question Paper

Eco 106:Innovation And Entrepreneurship 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Economics

Institution: Rongo University question papers

Exam Year:2017

Answer question one and any other three

1.a.Briefly explain the evolution of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial
b.Explain what is meant by Entrepreneurship environment (5mks)

c.Discuss five major concepts of innovation (5mks)

d.Define the term opportunity spaces as used in innovation (5mks)

e.Describe any five means of generating business ideas(5mks)

2.a."Changes in industry and marketing structure is one of the sources of innovation".Peter Drucker .Discuss (7mks)

b.Discuss four major managerial issues related to innovation (8mks)

3.a.Briefly discuss three major elements of entrepreneurship (8mks)

b."Entrepreneurs require key business development skills to succeed in today's competitive world "Discuss .(7mks)

4."Because of competitive environment, creativity and innovation in an organization has become necessary".In light of the statement ,discuss how the organization can develop and strengthen the process of creativity and innovation (15mks)

5.Briefly discuss the following:
a.Contemporary issues in entrepreneurship in Kenya(5mks)

b.Contribution of entrepreneur to the national development and society in general (5mks)

c.Explain two major types of innovation in an organization (5mks)

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