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Entreprenuership Education Cat Diploma 1  Question Paper

Entreprenuership Education Cat Diploma 1  

Course:Diploma In Supplies Management (Supplies Management)

Institution: Machakos University question papers

Exam Year:2011

Time: 2 Hours
1. Read the following case study below and answer the questions below

Simon and John are the two entrepreneurs who started business in the same locality in January 2008 with equal amounts of initial capital and labour.
They produced identical products. By the end of 2008 they had both made a profit os Ksh. 50,000 each. However, at the end of 2009 Simon made a profit of only Ksh. 10,000 John made a profit of Ksh.80,000.
(a) What would be 5 possible reasons why John's business was more successful than Simon's? (10 Marks)
(b) Give 5 actions which Simon can take to increase his profits? (5 Marks)

2. Explain 5 methods one can use to identify a problem in business. (5 Marks)
3. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of a group decision making. (10 Marks)

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