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Bks 210:Theory And Practice Of Translation And Interpretation 1 Question Paper

Bks 210:Theory And Practice Of Translation And Interpretation 1 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Linguistics

Institution: Rongo University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Answer question one and any other two

1.A.Translate the following sentences into kiswahili(22mks)
a.The king of Basotho has abdicated his throne
b.Political science as a university course attracts many students
c.A judge of the high court has passed on
d.The President and his deputy set a bad precedent when they allowed the cabinet secretaries and principal secretaries to hit the campaign trail
e.The Kenyan constitution guarantees rights of every Kenyan regardless of status,gender,education,colour,cultural background or political affiliation
f.When Mary's father visited her from abroad ,she found her in critical condition.She had been admitted in the ICU at Kenyatta national hospital. The surgeons seemed to have done an excellent job on her skull

B.Define translation from the following perspectives

2.Human beings throughout history have shown a desire to adopt foreign cultures and knowledge from different backgrounds.Discuss this basing your argument on the history of translation (20mks)

3.a.Translation is a relevant field of study in the 21st century university student. Validate this statement with five relevant examples (10mks)

b.Differentiate between the following terms as used in translation and interpretation
•simulteneous and consecutive interpretation
•source and target languages
•Translation and interpretation
•Translation techniques and translation procedures
•whispered and relay interpretation

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