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Bll 110: Introduction To Academic Writing Question Paper

Bll 110: Introduction To Academic Writing 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Linguistics

Institution: Rongo University question papers

Exam Year:2017

ANSWE QUESTION one and any other two

1.a.With relevant examples explain the following terms
-A cognitive dissonance (10mks),
-A paragraph (5mks)
-Analysis (5mks)
-Note cards(5mks)

b.Briefly explain the barriers to effective critique(5mks)

2.Delineate the writing process using illustrations from any topic of your choice(20mks)

3.Explain how you will go out choosing a good topic for a linguistic assignment (20mks)

4.Write a descriptive paragraph on any two of the following topics
a)A friend
b)A university premise
c)A microbe
d)An animal

5.What challenges do academicians face in local institutions when writing and what ways with you employ to overcome them in order to produce quality academic papers?(20mks)

b.Using appropriate examples ,explain briefly how you can avoid any three of the following forms of logical fallacies (15mks)

a.Ad hominem
c.Begging the question
d.Misuse of authority

5.What challenges would one face in reading in order to write? Propose possible ways to overcome the challanges(20mks)

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