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Research Methodology And Report Writing Question Paper

Research Methodology And Report Writing 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Strathmore University question papers

Exam Year:2011

DATE: 15th March, 2011 TIME: 2 HOURS
Question 1 is compulsory.
Answer Question 1 and any TWO others
All questions carry 20 marks each.

A company occupies a building of several floors. Each of its three main departments;
sales and marketing; accounts; operations, occupy a floor in the building. Within each
working day, documents keep swapping between the departments, physically conveyed
by clerks and messengers. One would feel that the company would save a lot of man
hours if a method could be designed to swap documents between the floors without
people actually getting up from their desks.
Suppose your research involved finding a solution to the above situation;
a) draft a background, problem statement and proposed solution - (6 marks)
b) draft objectives – (3 marks)
c) explain the kind of literature you may need to review in order to draft your problem
statement and set objectives. State one likely sources of each literature – (5 marks)
d) describe how you would evaluate the success of your solution – (6 marks)

a) Define the term, Research Problem – (1 marks)
b) Distinguish between research methods and research methodology (5 marks)
c) Explain any three components of a Research Problem – (6 marks)
d) Explain for what purposes Literature Review can be used – (4 marks)
e) Explain any FOUR DO’s and DON’Ts in the selection of literature review – (4 marks)

a) Define sampling (1 marks)
b) List the FOUR features of a good research design (4 marks)
c) Describe the Principle of Replication (6 marks)
d) Describe the three qualities of a research instrument (9 marks)

a) What’s the meaning of Hypothesis – (1 marks)
b) Explain any three data processing operations – (3 marks)
c) Briefly describe any three Sampling designs – (6 marks)
d) Describe any two primary data collection methods – (4 marks)
e) Explain any three factors you would consider in selecting a primary data collection
method – (6 marks)

a) APA is a referencing style for research documentation. Mention any other style and
explain the differences between the two styles – (5 marks)
b) Outline the format of an information systems research proposal, briefly explaining each
item (15 marks)

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