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E-Technology Question Paper


Course:Bachelor Of Business Information Technology

Institution: Strathmore University question papers

Exam Year:2011

Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology
BBIT 3205: e-Technology (EVENING COURSE)
Attempt question 1 and any other 2 questions.

Question 1
A class of 30 students has been divided into 6 groups of 5 students each. Each group has been given
a separate assignment involving the use of multimedia for e-learning except one group which has
been given an e-commerce assignment. The assignments given are outlined below:
(I) Prepare a multimedia presentation to illustrate the principles of multimedia and contiguity.
(II)Prepare a multimedia presentation to illustrate the principles of multiple representation and
individual difference.
(III)Prepare a multimedia presentation to illustrate the principles of modality and redundancy.
(IV) Prepare a multimedia presentation to illustrate the principles of coherence and
(V) Install an industry-grade e-commerce system and configure it for commercial transactions. Prepare
a multimedia presentation to illustrate the principles of e-commerce.
(a) Suggest possible reasons for the significant difference in the assignment given to Group V.
(4 marks)
(b) Using diagrams (or otherwise) and assuming that each group did their work correctly, briefly clarify
the conclusions from the multimedia presentations of each group.
(10 marks)
(c)Evaluate the potential challenges of the use of e-learning in e-commerce. (5 marks)
(d) The sixth group is a special group of e-learners who are not required to attend classes at all but
instead complete all their assignments and review of instructional material via the Internet.
(i) Evaluate some challenges that are unique to this group and suggest possible solutions.
(6 marks)
(ii) Suggest ways in which the multimedia presentations prepared by the other groups could be
useful to this group.
(5 marks)

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Question 2
An e-learning system has been set up in a rural town to cater to the growing higher education needs of
the local population. The proprietor has been able to enrol 20 students into the program over the first
year. She is concerned about the low enrolment and has sought your advice concerning the next
course of action.
(a) Formulate possible explanations for the low enrolment. (8 marks)
(b) The options she is considering for the next course of action include: relocation of the e-learning
centre, advertising in the local radio service, changing the basic e-learning software, and hiring a
full-time e-learning consultant.
Discuss the relative merits of each of these approaches. (12 marks)

Question 3
An expert in e-commerce has projected that the use of e-commerce will continue to rise in the
foreseeable future and even products and services that have traditionally failed due to intrinsic
limitations (e.g. perishable products like groceries) will find innovative uses of e-commerce ready for
their uptake.
(a) Give some arguments for and against the assumption that the use of e-commerce will continue to
rise in the foreseeable future. (10 marks)
(b) Create and outline scenarios where products and services traditionally unsuitable for e-commerce
could still benefit from e-commerce. (10 marks)

Question 4
While technology has the potential to improve the standard of living of many people as well as change
the way business is done, some people are not convinced that rapid technological change is
necessarily a good thing for society. They cite the use of m-technology as a component of etechnology
that has usurped the role of telephone land lines and resulted in job losses in related
businesses. In addition, the benefits of progressive movement from one technology to another are
lost when some technologies are “skipped” in some countries due to rapid technological advancement.
(a) Address the concerns expressed in the scenario. (10 marks)
(b) Evaluate the potential of m-technology to transform the way business is done in future.
(10 marks)

Question 5
“E-technology continues to experience a proliferation of e-aspects such as e-governance, e-health, eprescription,
e-agriculture, e-dairy, among others. The risk is that the traditional boundaries in and
among sectors will be blurred.”
(a) Explain the danger of such multi-sector “blurring of borders.” (10 marks)
(b) Formulate arguments that point to the harmlessness of such “blurring of borders.”
(10 marks)
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