Envi 201: Environmental Science 1St Trimester 2011 Question Paper
Envi 201: Environmental Science 1St Trimester 2011
Course:Environmental Science
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (ENVI 201) iv 1st Trimester 2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) With the help of a diagram clearly describe how energy flows through an ecosystem that is from the external environment through a series of organisms and back to the external environment. (12marks)
b) Describe the TWO structure of Ecosystem with their respective components. (12marks)
c) Natural disturbances such as fires and storms have been part of our Ecosystem such that animals and plants have adapted to them and ecosystems actually benefit is the long run. Explain how such disturbances are sometimes responsible for forest eco system restoration and recovery. (6marks)
Question 2
a) With the help of a graph, clearly indicate how maximum sustainable yield (MSY) works citing at least one relevant example on how the concept can be applied in harvesting a particular natural resource in Kenya. (12marks)
b) Outline at least FOUR ways of regulating all the four global commons. (8marks)
Question 3
a) With the help of a diagram describe how the circulation patterns of air are responsible for the two major deserts in Africa namely the Sahara and Kalahari. (10marks)
b) Identify that most notorious gas responsible for Ozone layer destruction and outline FOUR consequences of Ozone layer destruction. (10marks)
Question 4
a) Outline at least THREE proposals and projects that we may employ to increase local water supplies outlining associated draw backs in each case. (12marks)
b) Identify the likely Hydrological loop within water cycle that is likely to take place when it rains in a desert or where vegetation had been destroyed. Justify your view point.(8marks)
Question 5
a) What do you understand by the term Genetically modified Organism (GMO)? Outline the SAFETY and ETHICAL concerns that have raised about the adoption of the biotechnology. (10marks)
b) Write short notes to explain what you understand by the following environmental terms.
i) Temperature inversion
ii) Thermal pollution
iii) Global commons
iv) Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
v) Green house effect. (10marks)
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