Aee 413: Program Monitoring And Evaluation Question Paper

Aee 413: Program Monitoring And Evaluation 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Agricultural Education And Extension

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2017

University of eldoret
School of agriculture and biotechnology
DEPARTMENT of agricultural economics and rural development
Fourth year first semester ,2017/2018 academic year
BACHELOR OF science agricultural extension education
Aee 413: program Monitoring and evaluation
INSTRUCTIONS: answer question one and any other four questions
Question one
a) Distinguish between Monitoring and evaluation(4mks)
b)Outline any four benefits of evaluation function to an organization Running a series of projects(4mks)
c)List two strengths and two weaknesses in organizations which might wish to practice Monitoring and evaluation(4mks)
d)Outline the different stages of project or program cycle(4mks)
e)List four differences between formative and summarize evaluation(4mks)
Question two
"Monitoring is a process of measuring , recording, collection and analyzing data on actual implementation of the program and communicating it to the program managers so that any deviations from the planned operations are detected,diagnosis for cause of deviation is carried out and suitable corrective measures taken".
a) Explain four major ways in which project Monitoring can be used to maximize their benefit(8mks)
b) Explain any three reasons that make Monitoring a process not an event(6mks)
c)Discuss the three levels of Monitoring in an extension program (6mks)
Question three
'Having ideas at the Start of the project about uses for the evaluation findings helps ensures that the evaluation is conducted and the results reported in a way that meets people's needs". a)Identify the five main areas on program intervention evaluation needs to consider(5mks)
b) Outline the basic steps of carrying out programme evaluation(4mks)
c) Indicators are used to monitor and evaluate the various activities in a programme.identify the three types of Indicators In evaluation(3mks)
d) Although Monitoring and evaluation are related,they are different.Outline any four major differences between Monitoring and evaluation functions in an organization(8mks)
Question four
Most evaluation projects have no problem with collecting large amounts of evaluation information.What they sometimes do have difficulty with is effective analyzing , summarizing and using the results
a) Provided a guideline of the principles of effective analysis of evaluation information (11mks)
b) Briefly outline six aspects of good evaluation data quality management(9mks)
Question five
Effective evaluation relies on a systematic and rigorous collection of information ,drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data to measure success and to clarify and make decisions about project characteristics,activities and effects.
a) Briefly discuss the three basic questions to ask in determining evaluation information needs(6mks)
b)What are the characteristics of good evaluation information?(4mks)
c)Discuss two tools for collecting evaluation information and cite their respective strengths and weaknesses(10mks)
Question six
a)Give five reasons that make a community needs assessment (baseline survey) an important phase in project management)(5mks)
b) Briefly outline five Basic qualities of a good program design(5mks)
c) Briefly Explain the components of logic model used in program design(10mks)

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