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Com111; Computer Applications 1 Question Paper

Com111; Computer Applications 1 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2015

1.a)Explain briefly the following as used in MS access reports
I. Report
II. Report tool. (2 marks)
b) define a computer program /software and briefly outline it's three categories. (6marks)
c) what are the key things you need when developing an excel worksheet? (2marks)
d) Using your own example, write a basic program to add three numbers keyed in from the keyboard and output the result. (2marks)
a) Explain how you can add or delete a slide in Microsoft power point. (2marks)
b) Save and save as perform almost the same thing in all window based applications. Explain clearly how each is used. (4 marks)
c) Page setup as four tabs. List the tab names and explain briefly what each tab does. (4 marks)
d) Describe the following Microsoft access field types. (2marks)
I) Text
II) Number
Question 3
a) what is an MS Access form and how are they designed? (2 marks)
b) Outline steps taken to create ms access table using datasheet view. (5marks)
c) You are required by company XYZ to create a database for keeping records of their operation.If you have to design a table in this database what are the key issues you will need to stick to? (5marks)
a) Describe clearly how a word table's structure can be modified. (3 marks)
b) Outline the steps involved in performing mail Merge in MS Word. (3marks)
c) word is a tool that helps you to quickly create documents with a professional look. What are the steps you should follow to produce quality documents? (2 marks)
d) Show how Embedding and linking objects from other programs is done in MS word. (4 marks)
a) Describe three main characteristics of an excel worksheet. (3marks)
b) Describe any six excel window components. ( 3 marks)
c) I. Show using examples how the following logical functions can be affected in MS excel .
1.IF Function
3.Structured References

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

Student 5

Student 6

1 .Fill in marks for each subject for all the students using your own values in the figure above. (1mark)
2.Give formulas to calculate or evaluate for each student in the figure above. (1mark)
(5)Show how totals for each subject for all the students can be computed in MS excel .(4mk)
a) As you create your own presentation, you might need to insert new slide that the autocontent wizard did not create or delete unnecessary slides that the Autocontent wizard did create. Describe how you can add or delete slides in MS PowerPoint. (4marks)
b) List four pre-designed layouts found in MS PowerPoint. (2marks)
c) Give the steps taken to insert an object into MS PowerPoint. (2marks)
d) How can you embed a word table into a PowerPoint presentation. (4 marks)
a) what can computers on a network share? (4 marks)
b) Network activity involves sending data from one computer to another. What activities does the sending computer carry out? (4marks)
c) You have been appointed to advice some company ABC who intended to put down a network infrastructure what key features would you use to spell out what determines the type of network to choose

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