Kcse Cre Paper 1 For 1996 To 2009 Question Paper
Kcse Cre Paper 1 For 1996 To 2009
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:1996
1. Give five reasons why reading the Bible is important to Christians. (5mks)
2. Identify five teachings on the relationship between human beings and the environment from the Genesis stories to creation. (5mks)
3. State five ways in which the Israelites worshiped god in the wilderness during the exodus. (5mks)
4. State five Challenges that Prophet Elijah faced in Israel (5mks)
5. State five teachings of Jesus on sin. (5mks)
6. Write down five instructions given by Jesus (5mks)
7. Give five reasons why the transfiguration of Jesus marked an important event in his life. (5mks)
8. What does the story of rich man and Lazarus teach on the proper use of wealth?
9. State five ways in which the Roman Empire helped in the spread of the early Church. (5mks)
10. Write down five activities of the Church in Kenya which show that the Holy Spirit is working among Christians. (5mks)
11. State any five ways in which Christians in Kenya show respect to the Government. (5mks)
12. State the duties of a traditional African communities helped bereaved families (5mks)
13. State five ways in which people in the traditional Africa marriage. (5mks)
14. Give five reason why courtship was as important aspect of traditional African marriage. (5mks)
15. Identify five problems which Dr. Ludwing Crapft experienced when he worked as a missionary in Kenya between 1844 and 1858. (5mks)
16. State five ways in which the missionaries in Kenya helped to rehabilitate the freed slaves in the nineteenth century. (5mks)
17. Give five reasons why some missionaries in Kenya condemned the practice of female circumcision. (5mks)
18. State five factors which hinder Christians in Kenya from helping the needy. (5mks)
19. Identify five causes of conflicts between parents and children in Kenya today. (5mks)
20. Give five reasons why Christians in Kenya encouraged young people to seek church weddings.
C.R.E P2 313/2 1996
1. a) Discuss the circumstances which led to the exile of the Israelites in Babylon
b) Identify factors which cause disunity among Christians today. (9mks)
2. a) With reference to the stories of the birth and infancy of Jesus, describe the
occasions when the angel of the Lord appeared. (8mks)
(b) What problems did Jesus experience during his ministry? (8mks)
3. a) Discuss the teachings of Jesus in the parable of the sower. (8mks)
b) How did the early Christians community preserve the teachings of Jesus?
c) Explain different ways in which Christians in Kenya use the Bible to spread the good news. (8mks)
4. a) Give reasons why cleansing rituals were performed in traditional African
Communities. (16mks)
b) Explain the factors which promoted harmony in traditional African communities .
5. a) Explain the factors which favoured the spread of Christianity in Kenya
between 1900 and 1914. (11mks)
b) Describe the role of the mission stations in transforming the African community. (14mks)
6. a) Give reasons why some Christians are opposed to the use of capital
punishment. (8mks)
b) What lessons can Christians learn from the actions of Pilate during the trial of Jesus? (8mks)
c) State ways in which Christians in Kenya help those who have been released from prison. (9mks)
1. Identify five responsibilities given to human beings by God in the Genesis stories of creation. (5mks)
2. List the qualities of Moses shown during his call at Mount Sinai (5mks)
3. Give any five qualities of the servant of Yahweh according to prophet Isaiah
4. State five factors which led to the division of the Kingdom of Israel after the death of King Solomon. (5mks)
5. Write down five teachings of John the Baptists about Jesus Christ. (5mks)
6. Write down five lessons that Christians can learn about the mission of Jesus from the incident when the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees brought to him a woman who was caught committing adultery. (5mks)
7. State five Christian’s teachings about the Lord’s Supper. (5mks)
8. Identity five causes of disunity in the early church (5mks)
9. Write down five teaching about Jesus from Peter’s speech on the day of Pentecost.
10. State five effects of the conversion of Paul on the early Church (5mks)
11. State the teachings of St Paul in the Resurrection (5mks)
12. Write down five lessons on the cost of discipleship that Christians can learn from the Uganda martyrs. (5mks)
13. Identify five traditional African Practices which demonstrates people’s belief in God. (5mks)
14. Identify five occasions when oaths were administered in traditional African Communities (5mks)
15. List occasions when the services of a medicine man were required in traditional African communities (5mks)
16. State five factors which hindered expansion of the Christian missionary work in Kenya in the nineteenth Century. (5mks)
17. Give five reasons why Kenyans are attracted to the Church (5mks)
18. Suggest five ways in which the Church in Kenya could help street children. (5mks)
19. State five ways in which Christians practice social justice. (5mks)
20. State five advantages of a monogamous marriage. (5 marks)
C.R.E P2 313/2 1997
1. a) Describe in which King David promoted the worship of Yahweh in Israel
b) What do Christian learn about God from the call of Prophet Isaiah? (7mks)
c) In what ways do Christians show gratitude to god (6mks)
2. a) With reference to the parables of Jesus , explain his teachings about the
Kingdom of God.
b) Describe the obstacles that a Christian could encounter in trying to promote social justice in Kenya. (12mks)
3. a) State the teachings of Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 about love (9mks)
b) Identify ways in which the disciples of Jesus demonstrated their live for him. (8mks)
c) Discuss the problems that Church ministers (priests) encounter in their work (8mks)
4. a) Discuss the measures taken by the traditional African communities to
discourage pregnancy before marriage. (12mks)
b) What factors have contributed to sexual immorality among the youth in Kenya today? (7mks)
c) Suggest ways in which the church can help single parents (6mks)
5 a) Describe the practices in the early church which are observed in the
church in Kenya today? (13mks)
b) Give reasons why early missionaries condemned traditional African music
and dance. (12 mks)
6. (a) Describe ways in which Christians make use of science and technology to
spread the gospel ( 10 mks)
(b) Explain the religious significance of the environment in traditional African communities ( 7 mks)
Christians Religious Education Paper 1 Nov. 1998
1. What is meant by the expression “the bible is the word of God”? (5 mks)
2. State five characteristics of God’s covenant with Abraham (5 mks)
3. State five attributes of God as shown in the Jewish Passover (5 mks)
4. From the teachings of Prophet Elijah state five effects of idolatry to the Israelites (5 mks)
5. State five teachings of Jesus in the Parable of the lost sheep and lost coin (5 mks)
6. Identify five lessons from the healing of Bartimaeus the blind beggar ( 5 mks)
7. Write down five teachings about Jesus from the cure of the paralytic ( 5 mks)
8. Write down five events that took place following Jesus death on the cross
( 5 mks)
9. Give five qualities of an apostle in the early church ( 5 mks)
10. State five activities a modern Christian can perform in order to be Considered a true follower of Christ ( 5 mks)
11. With reference to African traditional communities, state five factor that promote
harmony and mutual responsibility in Kenya today. ( 5 mks)
12. Give five reasons why initiation rites were important in African traditional
communities ( 5 mks)
13. State five ways in which Christians spread the gospel of Jesus Christ today
( 5 mks)
14. State five reasons why, marriage in traditional African communities is regarded as a covenant ( 5 mks)
15. List five responsibilities of priests in traditional African communities ( 5 mks)
16. Give reasons why taboos are important in traditional African communities
( 5 mks)
17. Give five reasons why a Christian should not resort to strike action as a way of
Presenting grievances ( 5 mks)
18. Identify five reasons why the taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure time is condemned ( 5 mks)
19. Give five reasons which motivate Christians to take vows in marriage ( 5 mks)
20. State five reasons why a preacher may be disliked by the society today ( 5 mks)
Christians Religious Education Paper 2 313/2 1998
1. (a) Describe how the Israelites worshipped God before the Babylonian exile
( 10 mks)
Why did the Prophets of the Old Testament condemn the way the Israelites worshiped? ( 10 mks)
Give reasons why children should be introduced to the worship of God at an early age ( 5 mks)
2. (a) Discuss the areas of conflict between Jesus and the Jewish Religious leaders
which eventually led to his death. ( 16 mks)
(b) Explain the causes of conflict between the young and the old people in the
Church today ( 4 mks)
State the various ways in which Christians resolve misunderstanding between
parents and their children. ( 5 mks)
3. (a) Relate Saint Paul’s teaching on responsibility for others according to
Galatians (6: 1-10) ( 8 mks)
Discuss reasons why members of Christians families in Kenya find it difficult to harmoniously live together ( 10 mks)
Explain how the church strengthens family relationships today ( 7 mks)
4. (a) Describe how wealth was acquired in traditional African communities
(5 mks)
Explain how money economy has undermined the Principles of Christians living (12 mks)
With reference to the proper use of wealth in the Bible, state various ways in which Christians in Kenya utilize their wealth ( 5 mks)
5. (a) In what ways were the Africans affected by the introduction of Christianity in
Kenya by 1914? (16 mks)
Discuss the government’s contribution towards the evangelization process in
Kenya today (9 mks)
6. (a) With reference to the story of Perpetua and Felistas, discuss the cost of
discipleship among early Christians in Africa ( 9 mks)
Give reasons why some Christians are opposed to women leadership in the church today ( 10 mks)
Explain ways through which women leadership is promoted in the church today ( 5 mks)
Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Nov. 1999
1. Identify five lessons that Christians learn about the call of Moses ( 5 mks)
2. Give five activities of King Jeroboam that made the Israelites in the Northern
Kingdom turn away from God ( 5 mks)
3. State five failures Prophet Micah condemned Israel’s leaders for ( 5 mks)
4. With reference to Jeremiah chapter 1:4- 19, state Jeremiah’s five responses
to God’s call ( 5 mks)
5. List five Jewish ceremonies in which Jesus was involved ( 5 mks)
6. Give five reasons why Jesus was rejected by the people of his home town of
Nazareth ( 5 mks)
7. Identify five lessons Christians learn from Jesus reply to the Sadducees question on
Resurrection ( 5 mks)
8. List five teachings of Jesus from the beatitudes ( 5 mks)
9. State five teachings of Jesus on the cost of discipleship ( 5 mks)
10. Give five lessons Christians can learn from the incident of Ananias and Sappira in the
Acts of the Apostles ( 5 mks)
11. Identify five occasions when prayers were offered in traditional African Communities
( 5 mks)
12. State five rituals marking the birth of child traditional African communities
( 5 mks)
13. With reference to traditional African communities state five ways in which the
African sought reconciliation with God ( 5 mks)
14. List five factors that affected traditional African Education system ( 5 mks)
15. State five ways in which the gifts of the Holy Spirit have been abused in the church
Today ( 5 mks)
16. Give five ways in which Christians spread the gospel using the print media ( 5 mks)
17. State five ways in which Christians demonstrate obedience to Jesus command to
love one’s neighbour ( 5 mks)
18. Identify five problems which have resulted from freedom of worship in Kenya today
( 5 mks)
19. Give reasons why Christians should obey the laws of their country ( 5 mks)
Christian Religious Education Paper 2 313/ 2 1999
1. (a) Describe ways in which Abraham demonstrated his faith in God ( 6 mks)
Identify ways in which the disciples of Jesus demonstrated their faith in him
(12 mks)
Give reasons why Christians should trust in God in their daily lives ( 5 mks)
2. (a) Explain how King Solomon turned away from the covenant way of life
( 6 mks)
(b) With reference to the teachings of Jeremiah describe how the Israelites were
encouraged to live in hope during Babylonian exile (10 mks)
(c) Identify the activities the church engages in to demonstrate love for others
( 9 mks)
3. (a) Using examples from the life and ministry of Jesus show how he tried to
promote social equality ( 12 mks)
(b) How did the disciples react to Jesus use of parables in his teaching? ( 5 mks)
(c) State ways in which Christians show their belief in God? ( 8 mks)
4. (a) With Reference to the life and ministry of Jesus Identify activities which
show that he is a worker
(b) Give reasons why people work in traditional African Communities ( 5 mks)
(c) Explain the factors that a Christian should consider when choosing a career
( 6 mks)
5. (a) What are the New testament teachings about children? ( 9 mks)
(b) Give ways in which traditional African communities show respect for the unborn Child ( 6 mks)
(c) Explain how a child learns to be part of the traditional community
( 10 mks)
6. (a) Describe methods used by the missionaries to win converts among the
Kenyan communities before 1963 ( 16 mks)
(b) What factors have led to increase of Christian denominations in Kenya today
( 9 mks)
Christians Religious Education
Paper 1
Nov. 2000
1. Give promise that God made to Abraham ( 5 mks)
2. State five ways in which God reveled himself to the Israelites on Mount Sinai ( 5 mks)
3. Identify five ways used by the Israelite Kings to bring people back to God ( 5 mks)
4. Give five ways in which God used Hosea to show the Israelites that despite their Sinfulness he still loved them ( 5 mks)
5. List five events which took place the night Jesus was born ( 5 mks)
6. State five ways in which John the Baptist prepared the way for the
Messiah ( 5 mks)
7. Give five lessons Christians learn about the nature of Jesus from the incident
When he cast out a demon from a man in a synagogue at Capernaum ( 5 mks)
8. What five lessons can a Christian learn from the parable of the prodigal son?
( 5 mks)
9. Name five characteristics of an apostle of Jesus Christ ( 5 mks)
10. Give five reasons why Christians should live in a community ( 5 mks)
11. List five missionary groups that established mission stations in Kenya between 1890
and 1904 ( 5 mks)
12. State five factors that led to the rise of African leadership in the Christians Church in
Kenya ( 5 mks)
13. State five factors that led to the rise of African leadership in the Christian church in
Kenya ( 5 mks)
14. State five factors which ed to the coming of missionaries to Kenya ( 5 mks)
15. State five problems that hinder effective church influence in the social life of the
community ( 5 mks)
16. Identify five African cultural expressions used in Christian worship today. (5 marks)
17. Write down five ways in which modern Christians use their leisure time. (5mks)
18. State five ways in which the church can promote self employment in modern society. (5mks)
19. What roles can Christians play in the national election? ( 5marks)
20. Identify five ways in which a Christian can show respect for life today. ( 5marks)
Christian Religious Education paper 2 313/2 2000
1. a) Give reasons why the Northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed before the
Southern kingdom of Judah. (12mks)
b) Describe the problems faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel. ( 7marks)
c) Explain how church leaders are put to test today. (6 marks)
2. a) With reference to the story of the woman caught in adultery, explain the
teachings of Jesus on forgiveness. (10 marks)
b) What is the New Testament teaching on the Jewish attitude towards sin? (8 marks)
c) State the actions the church members would take in handling cases of
dishonesty. (7 marks)
3. a) Describe the conversion of Paul the Apostle by Jesus Christ as recorded in the
Acts of the Apostles. (12marks)
b) Identify the problems faced by the early church before the conversion of Paul
the Apostle.
c) Give reasons why a person should be converted to Christianity. (7marks)
4. a) Give reasons why Christians condemn idleness (10marks)
b) Explain factors that have led to unemployment in Kenya today.(8marks)
c) Outline steps the church in Kenya has taken to solve the problem
of employment.
5. a) How was marriage formalized in traditional African communities (8marks)
b) Why was polygamy common in traditional African communities. ( 8marks)
c) State the role of parents in a traditional African family (9marks)
6. a) Identify the steps the church is taking in assisting orphans. (10 marks)
b) Explain the factors that prevent effective church co –operation in Kenya. (10marks)
c) In what did the provision of health facilities by the early missionaries promote the spread of the gospel? (5marks)
Christian Religious Education paper 1 Nov. 2001
1. State five versions of the Bible used by the churches in Kenya today (5marks)
2. State five characteristics of God revealed to Moses during the renewal of the Sinai Covenant. (5mks)
3. State five reasons why Samuel was opposed to the idea of having a king in Israel. (5mks)
4. Give five problems prophet Jeremiah encountered before the Babylonian
Exile (5marks)
5. State five actions that took place during the presentation of Jesus in the temple (5marks)
6. Identify five teachings of Jesus about john the Baptist. (5mks)
7. State five lessons Christians learn from the miracle of the raising of jairus’daughter. (5mks)
8. Give five reasons why the disciples did not believe that Christians were persecuted. (5mks)
9. Write down five ways through which the early Christians were persecuted. ( 5mks)
10. List five spiritual gifts given to the church according to Saint Paul.
11. List five way which the missionaries used to increase African participant in the
Church in Kenya between 1844 and 1914. (5mks)
12. State five ways which the missionaries used to increase African participation in the church in Kenya between 1940 and 1960. ( 5mks)
13. State five reasons why the observance of the blood kinship is important in African traditional African societies. (5mks)
14. Give five reasons why the birth of a child is a joyous event in traditional African Societies.
15. State five beliefs about the nature of God in traditional African communities.
16. State five ways through which human beings communicate with the spirit world in traditional African societies.
17. Give five reasons why Christians should maintain the family unit. (5mks)
18. Identify five effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour in Kenya today. (5mks)
19. State five ways through which Christians show love to famine sticken people (5mks)
20. Identify five ways through which a Christians can help reduce the practice of corruption Kenya. (5mks)
Christian Religious Education paper 2 313 / 2 2001
1. a) What were the promises of God to David through prophet Nathan? (8mks)
b) State the factors that led to failure of David’ successor. (7mks)
c) What are the factors that prevent political leaders form performing their duties
efficiently in Kenya today? (10mks)
2. a) Describe the problems faced by the Israelites during the Babylonian
exile. (8mks)
b) Explain the conditions of restoration of the Israelites as preached by prophet Ezekiel. (10mks)
c) How harmony between the church and the state promoted by Christians in Kenya today? (7mks)
3. a) With reference to the life and ministry of Jesus how he
fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah. (12mks)
b) Explain ways through which the power of God was seen in the early
church. (8mks)
(c) What is the importance of the baptism of Jesus to Christians today? (5mks)
4. a) Give reasons why Jesus referred to the Pharisees as hypocites. (12mks)
b) What do Christians learn from the parable of the wheat and rares? (8mks)
c) Describe the duties given to the apostle by Jesus. (5mks)
5. a) Explain the activities carried out in traditional African communities?
b) State ways through which the youth are traditional African communities? (7mks)
c) What is the role of a grandfather in traditional African communities?(6mks)
6. a) Describe the methods used by the early missionaries to improve the living
standards of the Africans in Kenya. (7 mks)
Give reasons why Christians in Kenya should work in unity. (10mks)
Explain ways through which a Christian can serve God.
Christian religious Education
Paper 1
Nov 2002
State five actions from the life of Abraham which showed that he had faith in God. (5mks)
List five values which a Christian can learn from the call of Moses (5mks)
State five duties of Samuel as a prophet of God (5mks)
Give five expectations that the jews had concerning the Messiah (5mks)
List five miracles which show that Jesus had authority over nature. (5mks)
State five lessons Christians learn from the parable of the wheat and tares(5mks)
State five actions of Jesus which show that he loved the needy. (5mks)
Give five reasons why Christians in the early church prayed. (5mks)
State five ways in Peter’s life was transformed on the day of Pentecost.(5mks)
State five reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians.(5mks)
State five reasons why Christians in the early church prayed.
Give five reasons why oaths were administered in traditional Africa Communities (5mks)
List five occasions when seers were consulted in traditional African
communities (5mks)
State five factors that may hinder the traditional African practice of giving dowry. (5mks)
Identify five problems that Christian missionaries face today (5 mks)
17. Give five reasons why trial marriage is condemned by the church (5mks)
18. Give five ways in which drug abuse could affect a Christian family (5mks)
19. State five reasons why a Christian are opposed to deforestation (5mks)
20. Give five reasons why Christians should participate in the law reform
Process in Kenya. (5mks)
Christian Religious Education paper 2 313/2 2002
1. a) From the Genesis stories of the fall of human beings, explain the results of
sin. (14mks)
With reference to the incident of naboth’ vineyard, state how King Ahab
failed to keep the covenant laws. (5mks)
Give reasons why Christians should practice forgiveness. (6mks)
2. a) Outline the conditions giving by God to the Israelites during the renewal of
the Sinai covenant laws. (10mks)
b) Explain the significance of the transfiguration of Jesus to his disciples.(8mks)
c) State ways in which Christians show respect to God. (7mks)
3. a) Explain how John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah. (12mks)
b) What lessons do Christians learn from the call of the first disciples of Jesus? (8mks)
c) Why are Christians baptized today? (5mks)
4. a) Describe the factors that led to the spread of Christianity in the Apostolic Age. (12mks)
b) In what ways the celebration of the Lord’s Supper misused in the church at
Corinth? (5mks)
c) Give reasons why Christians take part in the Holy Communion. (8mks)
5. a) Give reasons why there was singing during the initiation ceremonies in
traditional African communities. (12mks)
b) How were the initiates prepared for adult life in traditional African
communities? (7 mks)
c) Why do some traditional African communities practice ignition rites today. (6mks)
6. a) Outline the steps the church is taking to reduce lawlessness in Kenya today. (12mks)
b) State ways in which sex is abused in Kenya. (6mks)
c) Describe the problems faced by a family living with a member who is living
with Acquired immune Defienciency syndrome.(AIDS) (7mks)
Christian Religious Education.
Paper 1
Nov. 2003
1. Last five animals used in the making of the covenant between God and Abraham
2. State five ways in which God’s power is demonstrated in the deliverance of the Israelites form Egypt to the Promised Land.
3. List five types of leaders whom god gave his power to in the Old Testament.(5mks)
4. State five titles given to the Messiah by prophet Isaiah.
5. State five similarities in the announcement of the birth of John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ.
6. Identify five occasions in the life of Jesus when he was tempted (5mks)
7. List five lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the miracles of healing. (5mks)
8. List five parables used by Jesus to teach about the kingdom of God. (5mks)
9. State five works of the Holy Spirit in the early church. (5mks)
10. State five leadership qualities shown by Peter the Apostle on the day of Pentecost. (5mks)
11. List five practices of the early Christian community. (5mks)
12. State five traditional African customs that were condemned by the early Christian missionaries in Kenya. (5mks)
13. Write down five teachings about God from the traditional African myths of creation.
14. Identify five occasions when sacrifices are made in Traditional
African communities. (5mks)
15. State five roles of elders in traditional African communities. (5mks)
16. Give five reasons why children are important in traditional African community
17. Give five Christian teachings on human sexuality (5mks)
18. Identify ways in which Christians can overcome the temptation to drug abuse.(5mks)
19. Give five reasons why Christians take up insurance policies. (5mks)
20. State five ways in which Christians in Kenya show respect for the state. (5mks)
Christian Religious Education paper 2 313/2 2003
1. a) State the responsibilities given to human beings by God in Genesis chapter 1
and 2. (6mks)
b) Outline the lesions Christians learn about work from the Genesis stories of
creation. (12mks)
c) How can Christians care for God‘s creation today? (7mks)
2. a) With reference to the Old Testament, outline the characteristics of a true
prophet. (7mks)
b) Identify the evils that prophet Jeremiah condemned (12mks)
c) How should a Christian respond when offered a bribe? (6mks)
3. a) Relate the story of the feeding of the five thousand in Mark 6:30-44 (9mks)
b) How did the resurrected Christ reveal himself to his followers? (10mks)
c) Give reasons why some people find it difficult to accept Jesus Christ. (6mks)
4. a) With reference to the story of the rich man and Lazarus, explain the teachings
of Jesus on responsibility to others. (10mks)
b) How did the believers in the early church take care of the needy? (8mks)
c) Identify ways in which the youth participate in the church in Kenya today. (7mks)
5. a) Give reasons why pre- marital pregnancies were rare in traditional African
communities. (12mks)
b) State the causes of prostitution in Kenya today. (8mks)
c) What is the role of a midwife in traditional African communities? (5mks)
6. a) Explain the effects of the translation of the Bible into African languages in
Kenya. (14mks)
b) Give reasons why Christians use the bible in worship. (6mks)
c) Why is the church in Kenya opposed to genetic engineering? (5mks)
Christian Religious Education Paper 1 2004
1. Give five reasons why Moses was not willing to go back Egypt after his call. (5mks)
2. State five practices of idolatry during the time of Prophet Elijah. (5mks)
3. List five visions that Amos saw concerning the coming judgment on the people of Israel. (5mks)
4. Identify five commandments given to the Israelites that teach on how to relate to one another. (5mks)
5. With reference to the visit of angle Gabriel to Mary, state fiche revelations about Jesus Christ. (5mks)
6. Give five qualities of the roman centurion, who requested Jesus to heal his servant. (5mks)
7. List five teachings about the kingdom of God from the parable of the treasurer and peal. (5mks)
8. Identify five ways through which Jesus prepared the disciples for his coming death. (5mks)
9. State five ways through which God revealed himself in the early church (5mks)
10. State five reasons why the early Christian shared meals.
11. Give five reasons why a naming ceremony is important in traditional African communities. (5mks)
12. Write down five ways of solving conflicts in traditional African communities. (5mks)
13. Name five specialists in traditional African communities (5mks)
14. State five roles of the ancestors in traditional African communities. (5mks)
15. List five protestant missions in Kenya by 1914. (5mks)
16. Write down five ways in which the catechists helped in spreading Christianity in Kenya. (5mks)
17. Give five factors that a Christian employer should consider when decision on a salary for an employee. (5mks)
18. List five ways through which the church is rehabilitating wrong doers in Kenya today. (5mks)
19. State five ways in which modern science and technology undermine Christian teaching on respect for human life. (5mks)
20. Identify five ways through which the church prepares the youth for marriage. (5mks)
Christian Religious Education paper 2 2004
1. a) Outline the activities in the life of King David that showed he had faith in
God. (12mks)
b) Identify the characteristics of God as portrayed in the life of King David (7mks)
2. a) Relate the story of the healing of the man born blind (john 9:1-14) (12mks)
b) What is the New Testament teaching on prayer? (6mks)
c) Why do some Christians find it difficult to pray? (7mks)
3. a) Outline the teaching of Jesus on the role of the holy spirit. (8mks)
b) Identify the problems that Paul faced in spreading the gospel. (12mks)
c) What lessons do Christian learn from the life of Stephen? (5mks)
4. a) Why is leisure important in the life of a Christian youth? (12mks)
b) What factors have contributed to the misuse of leisure in Kenya today?
c) Give reasons why the church condemns injustice in Kenya today. (7mks)
5. a) Outline ways through which a marriage partner is chosen in traditional
African communities (12mks)
b) Explain why divorce is rare in traditional African communities (6mks)
c) Identify the effects of divorce on children in Kenya today. (7mks)
6. a) Explain the factors that led to the establishment of African Independent
churches in Kenya. (14mks)
b) Give reasons why missionaries were opposed to oath taking (6mks)
c) What is the purpose of singing in the church today? (5mks)
C.R.E PAPER 1 2005
1. Name the five books of the bible which are referred to as Pentateuch (5mks)
2. Write down five teachings about marriage from the biblical stories of creation (5mks)
3. Give five reasons why the temple in Jerusalem was important to the Israelites (5mks)
4. State five qualities of God from the teaching of prophet Hosea. (5mks)
5. Give five reasons why Jesus was baptized. (5mks)
6. State five reasons why Jesus healed the sick. (5mks)
7. List five teachings about the kingdom of God from the parables of the Yeast and the mustard seed. (5mks)
8. Give five reasons why it was necessary for Jesus to have last supper with his disciples
9. Identify five factors that enabled Paul to win converts among the Gentiles. (5mks)
10. State five reasons on the cost of discipleship that Christians learn from the story of
Perpetual and Felicita. (5mks)
11. Write down five places where worship is carried out in traditional African communities. (5mks)
12. Give five reasons why seclusion after child birth is important in traditional
African communities. (5mks)
13. List five duties of diviners in traditional African communities (5mks)
14. Write down five reasons why disputes over land were rare in traditional
African communities. (5mks)
15. State five problems faced by the Christian missionaries in Kenya by 1914.
16. Identify five causes of conflict between the youth and the old people in the church (5mks)
17. State five ways in which Christians use their talents to promote evangelism in Kenya today.
18. Give five reasons why Christians should vote during the general elections (5mks).
19. Write down five consequences of denying employees rest. (5mks)
20. Identify five ways in which Christians assist people who are leaving with HIV?AIDS (5mks)
2005 Christian Religious Education
Paper 2
1. a) Give reasons why the Israelites asked Samuel to appoint a king for them (7mks)
b) What were the failures of King Saul? (12mks)
c) How has corruption affected the society in Kenya today? (6mks)
2. a) Describe the call of prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 6) (9mks)
b) Explain Jeremiah’s teaching on the ‘New Covenant” (10mks)
c) How should a Christian respond when offered a job in a hardship area? (6mks)
3. a) With references to incident when Jesus was dedicated to God at the age of
forty days outline what Simeon and Anna revealed about his life. (12mks)
b) What lesson did the disciples of Jesus learn from the miracle of the feeding of
the five thousand? (7 mks)
(c) Why do some Christians find it difficult to share their wealth with others?
(6 mks)
4. (a) State the teachings of Jesus on how Christians should approach God in Prayer.
(6 mks)
With reference to the day of Pentecost, outline Peter’s message to the people
(12 mks)
What should be the qualities of an evangelist in Kenya today? ( 6 mks)
5. (a) Discuss the factors that promote harmony and mutual responsibility in
traditional African communities. ( 8 mks)
What changes are taking place in property ownership in traditional African communities (10 mks)
Why is the church in Kenya opposed to the practice of wife inheritance?
(7 mks)
6. (a) Describe the changes the Christian missionaries introduced to the African
Communities in Kenya by 1945 (12 mks)
What problems is the church in Kenya facing due to industrialization? (6 mks)
Outline the steps the church is taking to reduce poverty in Kenya today. ( 7 mks)
C.R.E PAPER 1 2006
1. (a) Give reasons why Christians read the bible ( 8 mks)
(b) With reference to the Genesis stories of creation in chapters 1 and 2, outline
the attributes of God ( 7 mks)
(c) What are the consequences of breaking taboos in traditional African
communities? ( 5 mks)
2. (a) State the problems that God made to Abraham ( 6 mks)
(b) What problems did Moses face as he led the Israelites during the exodus?
( 10 mks)
(c) Give reasons why circumcision was important to the Jews ( 4 mks)
3. (a) Give reasons why the Israelites demanded for a king ( 8 mks)
(b) State the achievements of Solomon as King of Israel ( 6 mks)
(c) Identify the causes of power struggle in the church in Kenya today ( 6 mks)
4. (a) Explain the role of prophets in the Old Testament ( 6 mks)
(b) Give reasons why prophet Amos was against the way the Israelites
worshipped God ( 10 mks)
(c) How does God reveal himself to Christians today? ( 4 mks)
5. (a) Outline the problems that Nehemiah encountered in rebuilding the wall of
Jerusalem. ( 10 mks)
Identify the symbolic acts used by prophet Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s judgment and punishment to the Israelites.
What lessons do Christians learn from prophet Jeremiah to teaching on the new covenant?
6. (a) Explain the importance of rituals performed during a naming ceremony in
traditional African communities. ( 10 mks)
Identify the moral values acquire during marriage in traditional African communities ( 5 mks)
Why is death feared in traditional African communities? ( 5 mks)
C.R.E PAPER 2 2006
1. (a) Describe the visit of the angel of the Lord to the Shepherds on the night
Jesus was born. ( 7 mks)
State the differences between the work of John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ ( 8 mks)
What lesson do Christians learn about family relationship from the incident when Jesus accompanied his parents for the Passover festival ( 5 mks)
2. (a) Outline the story of the raising of the widow’s son at Nain ( Luke 7: 11- 17) ( 8 mks)
(b) Identify ways through which the church continues with the healing ministry of
Jesus Christ ( 7 mks)
(c) Give the lessons that Christians learn from the transfiguration of Jesus.
(5 mks)
3. (a) Give reasons why Jesus used the parable of the lost son in his teaching
( 6 mks)
Outline the preparations that Jesus made for the last supper.( Luke 22: 7- 14)
( 6 mks)
Identify the reasons that made Judas Iscariot betray Jesus ( 8 mks)
4. (a) Identify the spiritual gifts taught by Saint Paul in early church
( 6 mks)
Explain how the use of the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the church at Corinth ( 8 mks)
Outline the contribution of women in the church in Kenya today. ( 6 mks)
5. (a) What are the advantages of a monogamous marriage? ( 8 mks)
(b) State the factors that have led to the misuse of drugs in Kenya today
( 7 mks)
(c) Give reasons why the church is involved in the fight against HIV and AIDS
( 5 mks)
6. (a) State the rights of citizens in Kenya today ( 7 mks)
(b) Give reasons why Christians pay taxes to the government in Kenya
( 5 mks)
(c) How is the church helping to reduce the rate of crime in Kenya?
( 8 mks)
OCT./NOV. 2007
2 ½ Hours.
1. (a) Outline the differences in the two accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2.
(10 mks)
(b) From the story of the fall of human beings in Genesis Chapter 3, state the effects of sin. (6 mks)
(c) Identify any four causes of evil in Kenya today? (4 mks)
2. (a) State the characteristics of the covenant between God and Abraham.
(5 mks)
(b) Explain the importance of God’s covenant with Abraham. (10 mks)
(c) What lessons do Christians learn from the incident when Abraham was
willing to sacrifice his son Isaac? (5 mks)
3. (a) Describe the nature of the Canaanite religion.
(b) Identify ways in which King Jeroboam contributed to religious schism
between Judah and Israel. (4 mks)
(c) What life skills do Christians need to use in order to fight corruption in
Kenya today? (6 mks)
4. (a) Describe the characteristics of false prophets in the Old Testament.
(7 mks)
(b) State the teachings of prophet Amos about the day of the Lord.
(8 mks)
(c) How can Christians assist the church leaders to perform their duties effectively? (5 mks)
5. (a) Explain the different occasions when Nehemiah prayed. (8 mks)
(b) In what ways did Nehemiah demonstrate qualities of a good leader during his time? (7 mks)
(c) What is the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian today?
(5 mks)
6. (a) What changes have taken place in the rite of initiation in Kenya today?
(8 mks)
(b) Identify moral values taught to the youths during initiation to adulthood in traditional African communities. (6 mks)
(c) Give reasons why female circumcision is being discouraged in Kenya today. (6 mks)
OCT./NOV. 2007
2 ½ Hours.
1. (a) Outline what Angel Gabriel revealed about John the Baptist when he
announced his birth to Zachariah. (6 mks)
(b) From the story of the early life of Jesus up to twelve years, identify ways through which he is seen as coming from a poor background.
(8 mks)
(c) Give reasons why children should take part in church activities.
(6 mks)
2. (a) Describe the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness before he began his
public ministry. (8 mks)
(b) What lessons do Christians learn from the temptations of Jesus?
(5 mks)
(c) Identify problems faced by new converts in the church today.
(7 mks)
3. (a) Outline the events that took place in the Mount of Olives before the arrest
of Jesus. (7 mks)
(b) Give reasons why Peter denied Jesus. (8 mks)
(c) Why is the death of Jesus important to Christians? (5 mks)
4. (a) Describe the healing of the Gerasene demoniac in Luke 8:26-39.
(8 mks)
(b) State ways in which the Holy Spirit was manifested on the day of Pentecost. (6 mks)
(c) How are the gifts of the Holy Spirit misused in the church today?
(6 mks)
5. (a) Outline the Christian teachings on marriage. (6 mks)
(b) How should Christians prepare for marriage? (8 mks)
(c) Give reasons why some Christians break their marriage vows?
(6 mks)
6. (a) Explain how unfair distribution of wealth can lead to social disorder in
Kenya today. (8 mks)
(b) Identify ways through which Christians promote justice in Kenya today.
(7 mks)
(c) Give reasons why Christians in Kenya are against the death sentence.
(5 mks)
OCT./NOV. 2008
1 a) Give reasons why the Bible referred to as a Library. (5 mks)
b) Outline five effects of the translation of the Bible into local languages.
(10 mks)
c) State five ways through which the church is spreading the word of God in Kenya today. (5 mks)
2. a) Outline the activities carried out by the Israelites on the night of the
Passover. (5 mks)
b) Give five reasons why the exodus was important to the Israelites. (10mks)
c) How do Christians show their respect for God? (5mks)
3. a) Describe the contest between prophet Elijah and the prophets of Baal at
Mount Carmel (1st Kings 18: 17-40) (7mks)
b) Give four conditions that made it difficult for prophet Elijah to stop
idolatry in Israel. (8mks)
c) Identify five qualities of prophet Elijah that a Christian leader should
possess. (5mks)
4 a) State three differences between prophets in the Old Testament and
traditional African communities. (6mks)
b) Outline the teaching of prophet Amos on social justice and responsibility.
c) How is the church promoting social justice in Kenya today? (6mks)
5. a) Explain the significance of the symbolic act of buying land by prophet
Jeremiah. (8 mks)
b) Outline the sufferings of prophet Jeremiah during his ministry. (7 mks)
c) State five ways in which Christians resolve conflicts among themselves
(5 mks)
6. a) Identify practices in traditional African communities that show their belief
in life after death. (8 mks)
b) State five ways in which Christians resolve conflicts among themselves.
(5 mks)
c) Identify the factors that are undermining the role of elders in Kenya today.
(6 mks)
Oct./ Nov. 2008
2 ½ hours
1. a) Outline the message of angel Gabriel to Mary in Luke 1: 26-38.
(6 mks)
b) Explain what the Magnificent reveals about the nature of God (8 mks)
c) Identify six qualities shown by Jesus when he accompanied his parents to the
Temple at the age of twelve (6 mks)
2. a) Describe the baptism of Jesus in river Jordan by John the Baptist in
Luke 3:21-22.
(5 mks)
b) Outline four teachings of John the Baptist. (8 mks)
c) Why Christians finding it difficult to apply the teachings of John the Baptist in
their lives today? (7 mks)
3. a) How did Jesus celebrate the last supper with his disciples? (7 mks)
b) Outline the lessons that Christians learn from the incident when Jesus went to pray with disciples on the Mount of Olives. (5 mks)
c) Give four reasons why the disciples found it difficult to believe that Jesus had resurrected. (8 mks)
4. a) Identify the fruit of the Holy spirit taught by Saint Paul in Galatians 5: 22-23.
(5 mks)
b) Explain what the teaching of Jesus about the vine and the branches in John
15:1-10 reveal about the unity of believers. (8 mks)
c) Give seven ways in which Christians prevent divisions in the church in Kenya
today. ( 7 mks)
5. a) Explain the factors that contribute to unemployment in Kenya today (7 mks)
b) Give eight causes of conflict between the employer and employees in Kenya.
(8 mks)
c) Discuss the role of a Christian during a strike. (4 mks)
6. a) Give six reasons why it is important to have laws in a country (6 mks)
b) Outline eight problems related to maintenance of law and order in Kenya today.
(8 mks)
c) Identify ways in which Christians in Kenya help those who have been released
(6 mks)
K.C.S.E C.R.E PAPER 1 2009
(a) From the genesis stories of creation, outline seven teachings about human
beings ( 7 mks)
(b) With reference to the story of the fall of human beings in Genesis 3, State
four effects of sin on Adam and Eve ( 8 mks)
(c) How does the church help to bring back members who have fallen from the faith? ( 5 mks)
(a) Explain four characteristics of a covenant demonstrated in the covenant
Between God and Abraham. ( 8 mks)
(b) Give seven similarities between the Jewish and traditional African
Practice of circumcision ( 7 mks)
(c) Identify five lessons that Christians learn about God from the call of Abraham ( 5 mks)
(a) State seven functions of the temple in The Jewish community ( 7 mks)
(b) Identify six ways which show that king Solomon turned away from the covenant way of life ( 6 mks)
(c) Give seven factors that have led to the increase of Christian denominations in Kenya today ( 7 mks)
(a) Give four similarities between prophets in the Old Testament and traditional African communities. ( 8 mks)
(b) Outline five teachings of prophets Amos the remnant and restoration of the
Israelites (Amos 9: 8 – 15) ( 5 mks)
(c) State the relevance of Prophet Amos teaching on election of Israel to Christians in Kenya today ( 7 mks)
(a) State four promises that the Israelites made when they renewed their
covenant with God during the time of Nehemiah ( Nehemiah 10: 28- 29)
( 8 mks)
(b) Identify five final reforms carried out by Nehemiah to restore the
Worship of God in Judah ( 5 mks)
(c) Write down seven problems that Christian leaders in Kenya face in their
work today ( 7 mks)
(a) Outline six rituals performed during the birth of a baby in traditional African communities ( 6 mks)
(b) Give six reasons why children are important in traditional African communities ( 6 mks)
(c) Explain four ways children are made responsible members in traditional African communities ( 8 mks)
K.C.S.E C.R. E PAPER 2 2009
(a) Outline the describe of prophet Isaiah about the messiah ( 8 mks)
(b) State six activities that took place when Jesus was born (Luke 2: 6- 20)
( 6 mks)
(c) Explain the importance of singing in a Christian service ( 6 mks)
(a) Describe the incident when Jesus was rejected at Nazareth. ( Luke 4: 16- 30)
( 7 mks)
(b) Give four reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Pharisees in Galilee
(Luke 5: 12- 6: 11) ( 8 mks)
(c) State five ways in church leaders can respond to those who oppose them in
Their work ( 5 mks)
(a) Identify five teachings that Jesus made to the guests at the Pharisees’ house
(Luke 14: 1– 14) ( 5 mks)
(b) Give four reasons why Jesus used the parable of the great feast in his teachings (Luke 14: 15 – 24) ( 8 mks)
(c) Write down seven reasons why Christians take part in the Lord’s Supper
( 7 mks)
(a) Give seven reasons why Jesus sent the holy Spirit to the disciples after his ascension ( 7 mks)
(b) Identify four teachings of Saint Paul on the similarities between the church and husband – wife relationship (Ephesians 5: 21- 32). ( 8 mks)
(c) State five ways in which Christians are able to identify those who posses the gifts of the holy spirit ( 5 mks)
(a) Outline eight Christians teachings on work ( 8 mks)
(b) State the role of professionals ethics in a work place ( 6 mks)
(c) Identify six way sin which the church is helping to reduce the rate of unemployment in Kenya today ( 6 mks)
(a) Explain four negative effects of the introduction of money economy on traditional African Communities ( 8 mks)
(b) Outline six x teaching of Jesus on wealth (6 mks)
(c) Give six reasons why Christians should not involve themselves in gambling
(6 mks)
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