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Research Methodology (Cisy 302) (Bbit 316) (Nrsg 352) (Mlsc 302) (Biol 301) (Agri 270) 1St Trimester 2015 Question Paper

Research Methodology (Cisy 302) (Bbit 316) (Nrsg 352) (Mlsc 302) (Biol 301) (Agri 270) 1St Trimester 2015 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2015

Research Methodology (CISY 302) (BBIT 316) (NRSG 352) (MLSC 302) (BIOL 301) (AGRI 270) 1ST TRIMESTER 2015


UNIT CODE : CISY 302/BBIT 316/NRSG 352/MLSC 302/
BIOL 301/AGRI 270


Answer question one and any other two questions
Question One (30 marks)

The Managing Director of Finance International was perplexed by the rate of turnover in the company during the last 18 months or so. She suspected that three possible factors contributed to this-the lower salaries paid to staff compared to industry average, the location of the company, and the extent of bureaucracy that persuaded the system. She was not sure whether there were any differences among the four categories of employees-Managers, clerical staff, machine operators and secretarial staff in their intentions to quit in the next six months.
"If it would be nice to know how many of each category of staff are in the organization and to have a profile of their ages, educational qualifications and experience with the organization she thought. Furthermore, she wanted to know whether the older or the younger employees were more disgruntled. She tasked her assistant who had taken a course on research method to gather the necessary data and give her the needed information.

Formulate a suitable title for this research.
(2 marks)
Identify the types of research this requirement fall into.
(2 marks)
State and briefly explain two main types of variables for this research, and for each give an example.
(6 marks)
Build a conceptual framework for such a research.
(5 marks)
Which sampling methods were used by the researcher.
(4 marks)
Briefly explain the purpose of a research proposal
(6 marks)
State any two general motivations of research.
(2 marks)
State the three conditions which must be met for a research to exist.
Question Two (20 marks)

Discuss five ethical considerations that you would bear in mind when conducting research.
(10 marks)
Explain the attributes of a good questionnaire as a data collection tool.
(6 marks)
Explain the experimental research design as used in research.
(4 marks)
Question Three (20 marks)

State and briefly describe any five sampling designs.
(10 marks)
What is ’Literature review’ and what purpose does it serve in the research process?
(5 marks)
Outline five ways on how a researcher would benefit from the use ICT in the research process.
(5 marks)
Question Four (20 marks)

Discuss some of the factors that may influence the research process in a developing country like Kenya.
(5 marks)
Explain four factors you would consider in selecting a primary data collection method.
(4 marks)
Explain the meaning of a research design and highlight the main components that will be addressed when designing a study.
(7 marks)
State any four qualities of a good researcher.
(4 marks)

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