Biology Form 1 March/April 2018 Question Paper

Biology Form 1 March/April 2018 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2018

Biwott Secondary School
BIOLoGY form 1 -2018
1st term _end term exams
1) Define the meaning of the following terms (2mks)
2) Name four branches of biology (4mks)
3) The scientific name for beans is phosedus vulgaris
a) What taxonomy does the term phosedus represent (1mk)
b) State two rules that are followed when giving a scientific name to an organism (2mks)
4) State the use of the following apparatus (4mks)
Sweep net
Hand lens
Pitfall trap
5) State three importance of studying biology in secondary school (3mks)
6) State and explain five characteristic of living organisms (10mks)
7) Name five kingdoms in classification (5mks)
8) Magnification of a drawing is x 8 and the drawing length is 16 CM. What is the actual length of the object, show your working? (3mks)
9) List three external features in each case (3mks)
10) Name five parts of a Microscope and it's function (10mks)
11) State three rules to be observed while handling and using a microscope (3mks)

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