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Agriculture Form 1 End Of Year Exams 2017 Question Paper

Agriculture Form 1 End Of Year Exams 2017 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2017

Biwott Secondary School
1) Define the term agriculture (mks)
2) Give five importance of soil to crop to plants (5mks)
3) State any four disadvantages of intensive system of farming (4mks)
4) Give four types of soil structure in agriculture (4mks)
5) State one characteristic of plantation farming (1mk)
6) Name four characteristic of clayer soil (4mks)
7) Define the following terms as used in crop production (10mks)
Crop pathology
Agricultural economics
Soil profile
8) State five effects of wind in agriculture (5mks)
9) State four conditions under which shifting cultivation is practicable (4mks)
10) State two factors that would determine the colour of the soil (2mks)
11) What are four advantages of practicing mixed farming (4mks)
12) State and explain five biotic factors in agriculture (10mks)
13) What is overall effects of HIV/Aids and I'll health affect agriculture (6mks)
14) Differentiate between Olericulture and aquaculture (2mks)
15) State and explain five importance of agriculture to Kenyan economy (10mks)
16) List four factors influencing soil formation (4mks)
17) a) Differentiate between superfluous water and capillary water (2mks)
18) Draw the following soil structure
Granular structure
Single grained soil structure
Platy soil structure
Prismatic soil structure
Blocky soil structure
19) Draw the comparison capillarity action of Sandy, loamy and Clay soils (4 mks)
20) State six human factors that influence agriculture (6mks)

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