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International Business Question Paper

International Business 

Course:Advanced Diploma In International Business (International Business)

Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2010

Course Title: International Business
2010 end of semester exam
Answer any Three (3) Questions

1.Explain different problems or difficulties that multinational company could be facing during the international venture(20 marks)
2. Discus the different tariff and non tariff barriers that the government can employ to protect the local business. What are the member requirements by the articles of agreement of International Monetary Fund.(20 marks)
2.Highlight and briefly explain different international business entry choices the Kenyan company can adopt when going international indicating reasons why the government should protect business activities. (20 marks)
4.Highlight and explain with examples ,the broad categories of International activities and differentiate international business and domestic business(20 marks)
5.What are the underlying principles of GATT? Discuss different objectives of the World Bank(20 marks)
(Total marks 100)

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