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Monitoring And Evaluation Question Paper

Monitoring And Evaluation 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Strathmore University question papers

Exam Year:2009

Bachelor of Commerce
Venue: Room 4
DATE: 9th October, 2009 TIME: 2 Hours
Question One is compulsory. Answer Question ONE and any other TWO.

Free education scenario
When the NARC Government of Kenya came to power in 2002, their key objectives to economic
development was to create 500,000 jobs annually. Upon this platform, the government started
many programmes and projects which had both economic and social impact on its citizens.
One of the radical projects that the Government started in 2003 in line with the UN millennium development goals was free primary education. The goal of the programmes was to access free education to the majority of poor Kenyans. The programme attracted a lot of interest from the donor partners including the Bill Clinton Foundation, all of who wanted to fund the programme.
This would in effect help fight ignorance and diseases.
This programme also attracted an old pupil, the late Kimani Maruge who was entered in the
Guinness Book of Records as the oldest pupil in the world. The programme witnessed many
pupils joining primary school education and this called for an expansion of the facilities and other related resources.
Reports from schools indicated that the ratio of teachers to students was one teacher to about eighty students and this was causing stress to the management of classrooms and overall school education. Least to say that the budget allocation in schools was hardly enough to meet the requirements.
The Ministry of Education and the T.S.C had to conduct a joint monitoring and evaluation in
order to get a way forward.

a) Critically evaluate the implementation programme of free primary education for the first 2 years 10 marks
b) Analyze the unintended outcomes of free primary education on job creation within the
same period 8 marks
a) What would the monitoring exercise in free primary education wish to achieve for the
following stakeholders?
• Donors
• Primary School managers
• Government 12 marks
Total: 30 marks

You have been contracted by UNICEF to undertake the role of a consultant in a project (joint partnership between them and the Ministry of Gender and Children) a program that gives direct funds to families staying with orphaned children, to plan a monitoring system for the same.
a) What are the advantages of participatory evaluation methods? (8 marks)
b) Formulate the steps in planning a monitoring system. (12 marks)
Total: 20 marks

Monitoring and evaluation uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to measure the success and impact of the projects. However, economists and staticians adapt a one sided method (quantitative) to analyze the results.
a) Identify the potential dangers of a one sided monitoring system. (5 marks)
b) Critically analyze the quantitative method often employed by economists and staticians in monitoring and evaluating development projects. (15 marks)
Total: 20 marks

a) Distinguish between formative and summative evaluation methods. (8 marks)
b) Why is a baseline survey an important phase in project management? (12 marks)
Total: 20 marks

a) Define a logical framework in project planning. (4 marks)
b) Identify and explain key components of a logical framework (10 marks)
c) What are the qualities of good indicators? (6 marks)
Total: 20 marks

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