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Bono District Mock Paper 3 English Question Paper

Bono District Mock Paper 3 English 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

(Imaginative Composition and Essays based on set texts)
Paper 3
JULY/AUG. 2006
Time: 2 ½ Hours
Q. 1 Imaginative composition
(a) Write an essay illustrating the saying,
“ Better the devil you know than the angel you don’t”.
(b) Write a story ending on the following sentence.
First, though, he must take his daughter, Tamu, to the house of a cousin in Capital Hill, there to be educated and await the better fortune of her father.
Q. 2 The compulsory set Text
Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye: Coming To Birth

“Wife beating inflicts pain to both husband and wife”. Describe any two incidents in the novel to support this statement.
Q 3. The Optional Set Texts
Answer any ONE of the following three questions.
(a) The Short story:
Macmillan Ed: Half A Day And Other Stories
Using illustrations from Peter Nazareth’s “Money Man”, Write a composition explaining whether or not the title “Money Man” is an appropriate nickname for Mr. Manua Leiteo.
(b) Drama
Ruganda John: Shreds Of Tenderness
Using John Ruganda’s Shreds Of Tenderness, write a composition on the plight of refugees from African dictatorships.
( c) The Novel
Velma Pollard: Homestretch
“Laura and Brenda are depicted by the author to be the same in character”. Discuss this statement using illustrations from the novel.

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