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Form Ii C.R.E Question Paper

Form Ii C.R.E 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2011

TERM II- 2011

NAME........... ADM...........CLASS ........

Answer all questions and explain your answers clearly

1. a. Describe the forgiveness of the sinful woman in Luke 7:36-50. 8 marks

b. State five reasons why Jesus used miracles in his work. 5 marks

c. Explain lessons Christians learn from the commissioning of the twelve disciples in Luke 9:1-9. 7 marks

2. a. Identify factors that have affected the role of traditional specialist today. 8 marks

b. List six ways of acquiring moral values in Traditional Africa Society. 6 marks

c. Give reasons for practising initiation in Kenya today. 6 marks

3. a. Identify forms of punishment that God would inflict on Israel after rejecting them as prophesied by Amos. 7 marks

b. How did the rich oppress the poor during prophet Amos? 8 marks

c. Identify five ways in which Christians can help curb the evil of oppression of the poor in the society today. 5 marks

4. a. Mention Jeremiah''s teachings in the letter to the exiles in Babylon. 8 marks

b.Describe occasions when Nehemiah prayed. 5 marks

5. a. Identify factors that make human beings in the story of creation special. 6 marks

b. Give an account of the fall of human beings in Genesis 3:1-11. 8 marks

c. Discuss factors which may influence Christians to turn away from God. 6 marks

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