Btm 424: Domestic Tourism Question Paper
Btm 424: Domestic Tourism
Course:Bachelor Of Tourism Management
Institution: Maasai Mara University question papers
Exam Year:2018
SECTION A-25 marks
Q1. Answer the following questions.
a) Define the term domestic tourism, clearly distinguishing it from other forms of travel. (2 marks)
b) Identify any four structural constraints to domestic tourism participation in kenya ( 2 marks)
C) Explain any three negative impacts of domestic tourism to a destination ( 3 marks)
d) Explain the role of tourism regulatory authority in development and promotion of domestic tourism ( 3 marks)
E) List any five planning and policy documents that addresses domestic tourism concerns in kenya. (5marks)
F) You have been appointed as the tourism director of county X. The county is one of the leading inbound tourism in kenya. However, the level of domestic travel in the county is very low. Describe strategies that you will put in place to develop and promote domestic tourism in the county. (10marks)
SECTION B-45 MARKS: Answer any THREE questions
1.a) Explain the role played by the now defunct domestic tourism council in the historical growth and development of domestic tourism in kenya. (7 marks)
b) Describe various forms of domestic tourism products. ( 8 marks)
2. Evaluate the significance of pursuing the domestic market within tourism destinations. (15 marks)
3. Analyse the contemporary issues and trends that characterizes domestic tourism. (15 marks)
4. Describe the role of the private sector in managing and marketing of domestic tourism in kenya. (15 marks)
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