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Office Administration And Management End Of Term Exam Question Paper

Office Administration And Management End Of Term Exam 

Course:Diploma In Supplies Management (Supplies Management)

Institution: Machakos University question papers

Exam Year:2007

Machakos Technical Training Institute
Time: 2 Hours

(1) This paper consists of SIX questions.
(2) Answer any FIVE
(3) ALL questions carry equal marks

1. (a) One of the functions of an office manager is to organize office work. Describe 5 activities that are involved in this function. (10 Marks)
(b) Explain 5 measures that an office manager should take into account to reduce noise in an office.(10 Marks)

2.(a) Machakos Technical Training Institute is disadvantaged by most of its enclosed offices, which are these disadvantages. Explain.(10 Marks)
(b) Outline 5 benefits that may accrue to an organization that has effective office administration and management. (10 Marks)

3.(a) Machakos Technical Training Institute wants to purchase office equipment and stationery. She has called you upon to advise her, what are the 5 main things would you tell her to take into consideration. (10 Marks)
(b) Highlight 5 principles to be followed when designing an office layout. (10 Marks)

4.(a) Explain 5 factor to consider when determining the span of control in an organization.(10 Marks)
(b) Explain the 5 benefits that may accrue to an organization that has a lease office. (10 Marks)

5.(a) Explain the attributes associated with an office manager. (10 Marks)
(b) Explain why managers fear to delegate authority.(10 Marks)

6.(a) Outline the importance of an organization charts.(10 Marks)
(b) Company X wants to adopt a new organization structure. What 5 factors would you advise company X to consider when choosing the organization structure to adopt.(10 Marks)

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