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Nyamira District Bio Ppr 1 Question Paper

Nyamira District Bio Ppr 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

1. State two functions of the mammalian ear. (2mks) * Nym*
2. State two factors, which determine energy requirements in humans. (2mks) * Nym*
3. The figure below represents an organism

(a) Name the phylum and class to which it belongs. (2mks) * Nym*
Phylum ………………………………..
(b) State two observable features that are used to place.the organism in the class in (a) above. (2mks) * Nym*
4. Give two functions of calcium in the human body. (2mks) * Nym*
5. Suggest a method that can be used to estimate fish population in a pond. (1mk) * Nym*
(b) State two adaptive feature in a fish that prevent it from predation by birds.(2mks). * Nym*
6. List three evidences of organic evolution. (5mks) * Nym*
7. State function of the following materials found at the joints.
(a) Synovial Fluids (1mk) * Nym*
(b) Cartilage (1mk) * Nym*
8. State one significant advantage that homoithermic animals have over poikilothermic animals.
(1mk) * Nym*
9. An experiment was set up using visking tubing, which was filled with concentrated sugar solution. The free ends were tightly tied to prevent leakage. It was immersed in a beaker containing distilled water. After six hours the observations were made.
Start of experiment After 6 hours

(a) Why did the visking tubing become swollen as shown in after 6 hours. (1mk) * Nym*
(b) By what physiological process did the water in the beaker turn blue? (1mk) * Nym*
10. Give the theory advanced by Charles Darwin to explain the origin of species.(1mk) * Nym*
11. The illustration below shows a human eye that is defective.

(a) Identify the eye defect. (1mk) * Nym*
(b) How would this defect be corrected? (1mk) * Nym*
12. State three functions of the endoskeleton (3mks) * Nym*
13. What is a test cross? (1mk) * Nym*
14. (a) Name the part of the brain that controls thermoregulation in humans. (1mk) * Nym*
(b) Below is a cross section of the human spiral cord.

(i) State the function of the parts labelled A and B. (2mks) * Nym*
(ii) State two functions of a spinal cord. (2mks) * Nym*
15. An animal has the following dental formula,
I = 0/2, C = 0/2, PM = 3/3 M = 2/3
(a) Suggest the type of diet for this animal. (1mk) * Nym*
(b) Give a reason for your answer in (a) above. (1mk) * Nym*
(c) How many teeth does the animal have in total? (1mk) * Nym*
16. State the importance of the hydrochloric acid that is secreted in the stomach.(1mk) * Nym*
17. Blowfly maggots (larvae) quickly burrow into decaying faecal matter as soon as they are exposed to light.
(a) Name the type of response exhibited by the maggots. (1mk). * Nym*
(b) Of what value is such a response? (1mk) * Nym*
18. Define the following terms. (3mks) * Nym*
(a) Biomass* Nym*
(b) Ecosystem. * Nym*
(c)Carrying Capacity* Nym*
19. State two adaptation of red blood cells which make them efficient in their functions. (2mks) * Nym*
20. The figures below show an experiment that was carried out by form two students of Mitini secondary school.
A Day 1 of experiment B 30 days after setting the experiment.

(a) What was the aim of this experiment? (1mk) * Nym*
(b) Explain the observations on the stem after 30 days. (1mk) * Nym*
(c) Suggest what may happen to the plant after a long time. (2mks) * Nym*
21. List the changes that take place during inhalation in the breathing cycle of a mammal in the following: (4mks) * Nym*
(a) Rib cage thoracic cavity* Nym*
(b) Diaphragm* Nym*
(c) External intercostals muscles* Nym*
(d) Internal intercostals muscles* Nym*
22. Distinguish between (i) continuous and discontinuous variation (1mk) * Nym*
Continuous discontinuous

(ii) Complete and incomplete metamorphosis. (1mk) * Nym*
Complete incomplete

(b) The following organisms were found in a certain habitat Water snail, protozoa, Kingfisher, mosquito larvae, phytoplankton, fish and waterweeds.
In the table below place the organisms in their respective trophic levels. (3mks) * Nym*
Trophic level Organisms
Primary consumers
Secondary consumers
23. State two processes used by plants for excretion. (2mks) * Nym*
24. State two internal factors in seeds that cause dormancy. (2mks) * Nym*
25. The figure below shows some stage of development in the life of a plant.

(a) State the fate of A and B after fertilization. (2mks) * Nym*
(b) What name is given to this type of fertilization? (1mk) * Nym*
26. a) Name two end products of light of photosynthesis (2mks) * Nym*
b) State two aspects of light that may affect the process of stage of photosynthesis.
(2mks) * Nym*
27. State three homeostatic functions of the liver. (3mks) * Nym*
28. Below are some parts of a male reproductive system; state how they are adapted to their functions. (3mks) * Nym*
(i) Testis* Nym*
(ii) Vas deferens* Nym*
(iii) Epididymis * Nym*
29. State two ways through which herbaceous plants achieve support. (2mks) * Nym*
30. Name the excretory organs in the following organisms. (2mks) * Nym*
Organism Tissue / organ used.
31. The experiment below was carried out by form four students. The result was recorded below:

Explain why the shoot doesn’t bend towards the lig

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