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Nyamira District Bio Ppr 2 Question Paper

Nyamira District Bio Ppr 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

(a) In an electron microscope…………………is used to illuminate the specimen under observation. (1mk) * Nym*
(b) Name the parts of a light microscope, which perform each of the following functions. (3mks). * Nym*
(i) Controls the amount of light entering the specimen. * Nym*
(ii) Magnifies the object. * Nym*
(iii) Used for focusing image under low power. * Nym*
(c) Below is a list of cell organelles: * Nym*
- Mitochondria
- Lysosomes
- Nucleous
- Endoplasmic reticulum
- Golgi apparatus
- Ribosomes
- Centriole
From the above list, select the organelle that performs the functions listed below. (3mks) * Nym*
(i) Synthesises RNA (Ribonucleic acid) * Nym*
(ii) Formation of spindle fibres during cell division. * Nym*
(iii) Packages synthesized protein. * Nym*
(d) Which organelle would be abundant in cardiac muscle? (1mk) * Nym*
2. In Andulusian chicken, the genes for black feather and white feather colours are co-dominant. A white chicken was crossed with a black chicken, all the F1 chicks were blue feathered. Using the symbols B and W to represent the genes for black colour and white colour respectively: -
(a) What is the phenotypic ratio if the F1 offspring were selfed?
Show your working (3mks) * Nym*
(b) State the possible genotypes when a black-feathered cock is crossed with a blue-feathered hen.
(2mks) * Nym*
(c) Name one sex-linked characteristic in human beings. (1mk) * Nym*
3. The body of animals is constantly being invaded by pathogenic microorganisms, which enter the body through the mouth, nose and wounds. * Nym*
(a) Explain the mechanisms that prevents entry of micro-organisms into the body through:
(i) The mouth (1mk) * Nym*
(ii) Wounds (1mk) * Nym*
(iii) Respiratory track through the nose. (2mks) * Nym*
(b) Explain how the body defends against diseases once these micro-organisms have entered the body tissues. (3mks) * Nym*
4. The experiment below was set-up to investigate some physiological processes. The glucose solution was first boiled then cooled. The set-up was left for 24hrs. * Nym*

(a) Suggest two aims of the experiment. (2mks) * Nym*
(b)(i) State the expected observations after 24 hours. (2mks) * Nym*
(ii) Explain your observations in a (i) above. (1mk) * Nym*
(iii) Why was glucose solution boiled then cooled? (1mk) * Nym*
(d) Suggest a control for the above experiment (1mk) * Nym*
5. Gastrin is a hormone produced by mammals. * Nym*
(a)(i) Where is the hormone produced? (1mk) * Nym*
(i) What is the function of gastrin? (1mk) * Nym*
(b) What stimulates the production of gastrin? (1mk) * Nym*

(c) State three adaptations of the human large intestine to its functions. (3mk) * Nym*
6. (a) Name two methods used for locomotion in unicellular organisms. (2mks) * Nym*
(b) (i)Name the type of skeleton found in insect. (1mk) * Nym*
(ii) What substance is the insect skeleton made of? (1mk) * Nym*
(c) State three reasons why locomotion is important in animals. (3mks) * Nym*

Answer question 7 (Compulsory) in the spaces provided. Answer either question 8 or 9 in the spaces provided at the end of this paper.
7. An investigation was conducted to compare water loss from twigs of two species of plants Q and L. The apparatus shown below was used for this investigation. The two twigs had equal leaf surface area. * Nym*

The results of the investigation was recorded in the table below.
Time in day 2am 6am 8am 10am 12noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 6pm 8pm 12 midnight
Water loss gh-1Q 0 0 5 50 60 85 55 48 40 2 0 0
Water loss gh-1 species L 14 14 35 135 275 315 285 245 175 75 16 16
Plot a graph of water loss gh-1 against time for the two plant species. (6mks) * Nym*

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