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Nyamira District Bio Ppr 3 Question Paper

Nyamira District Bio Ppr 3 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

1. (a) You are provided with specimen J which is a leaf of a plant. Peel off the epidermis from the lower and upper surface. Mount them on different microscope slides labelled U for upper epidermis and L for lower epidermis. Add a drop of water and cover with a cover slip. Observe with lower power then medium power. Count the number of stomata on either side and record your observations in the table below. (3mk) * Nym*
1st count 2nd count Average

Upper epidermis

Lower epidermis

(ii) Account for the distribution of the stomata on the leaf. (2mks) * Nym*
(iii) Suggest the probable habitat of the plant with reasons. (2mks) * Nym*
(b) You are provided with specimen H and M. Cut from each a cube, each measuring 1cm by 1cm. Put them each in a different test tube having 10mls of hydrogen peroxide. Record the observations in the table below. (2mks) * Nym*
Specimen Observations
Specimen H
Specimen M
(ii) Account for the observations in the experiment involving specimen H and M. (2mks) * Nym*
2. You are provided with three specimens K, L and M. Examine each of them carefully.
(a) State the class to which specimen K belongs. Give reasons.
(i) Class of specimen K (1mk) * Nym*
(ii) Reasons. (1mk) * Nym*
(b) (i) Examine the stems and roots of specimen K and L. State two difference between the stems of specimen K and L. (2mks) * Nym*
Specimen K Specimen L

(ii) State one difference between the roots of specimen K and L. (1mk) * Nym*
Specimen K Specimen L

(c) Specimens K and L are common weeds in Kenya. With reasons, suggest which of the two weeds is difficult to eradicate.
(i) Weed (1mk) * Nym*
(ii) Reasons (1mk) * Nym*
(d) Obtain a mature fruit from specimen K. Examine the fruit carefully and compare it with specimen M. State three observable differences between the fruit specimen K and M. (3mks) * Nym*
Fruit of specimen K Fruit of Specimen M
(e) Use a sharp razor blade / scalpel make a transverse section on specimen M. Make a labeled drawing of the cut half of the specimen. (4mks) * Nym*
2. (f) Identify the type of placentaion in specimen M (1mk) * Nym*
3. (a) You are provided with specimen labeled R which belong to phylum Arthropoda and class insecta. Examine the external features and answer the following questions.
Name the features, which were used to classify the specimen into phylum arthropoda .(3mks) * Nym*
(b) State how the body shape, colour and position of legs adapt the specimen to its environment.
(3mks) * Nym*
(i) Body shape
(ii) Colour
(iii) Position of legs
(c) Using the hand lens examine the hind legs and forelegs of the specimen R provided.
(i) How does the size of the hind legs differ from that of the fore legs. (1mk) * Nym*
(ii) Suggest reason for the difference. (1mk) * Nym*
3. d) You are provided with specimen P, Q and N
(i) Identify each of the specimens (3mks) * Nym*
(ii) From which part of the body was specimen Q and N obtained? (1mk) * Nym*
(iii) Examine the ends of specimen P giving reasons, Name the type of joint found at the proximal end. (1mk) * Nym*
(iv) Examine specimen N. State one function of the process that extends beyond the notch.

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