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Teso District Bio Ppr 3 Question Paper

Teso District Bio Ppr 3 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

Paper 3
1. You are provided with a specimen labeled E obtained from part of a plant.
Examine it.
a) (i) Boil some water in a beaker.
Using a pair of forceps, carefully immerse one leaflet from E into boiling water with the upper surface facing up. Immediately observe what happens.
Repeat the procedure with a fresh leaflet from E but with the lower surface facing up. Observe what happens. Record your observations. 2mks*Tso*
(ii) Account for the observations a(i) above 5mks*Tso*
b)(i) Count the number of leaflets in specimen E including the ones you have used in part (a) above.
Record your result. 1mk*Tso*
(ii) Trace one leaflet from specimen E on the graph grid provided.
Assuming that all leaflets are approximately of same size, determine the surface area of the entire leaf. Show your working. 5mks*Tso*
iii) What is the significance of this surface area of the leaf to the plant? 1mk*Tso*
2. You are provided with specimens labeled R and S. Examine them.
a) Giving reasons, state the phylum of the specimens 4mks*Tso*
b) (i) Name the class to which specimens R and S belong. 2mks*Tso*

(ii) State two features that are characteristics of the class mentioned in b(i) above
Specimen R 2mks*Tso*

Specimen S 2mks*Tso*
c) State how the body shape, colour and position of legs adapts specimen R to its environment. 3mks*Tso*
(i) Body shape 4mks*Tso*
(ii) Colour 1mk*Tso*
(iii) Position of the legs 1mk*Tso*

3. You have been provided with specimens labeled K and L. Examine them
a) State their identity 2mks*Tso*
b) Give a reason in each case. 2mks*Tso*
c) Give two observable differences between specimens K and L. 2mks*Tso*

Specimen K Specimen L


d) State the part of the mammalian skeleton from where these specimens were obtained.
Specimen K 1mk*Tso*
Specimen L 1mk*Tso*
e) Draw and label the parts of the anterior view of specimen L. 5mks*Tso*

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