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Tranzoia District Bio Ppr 1 Question Paper

Tranzoia District Bio Ppr 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

Paper 3
1. You are provided with a specimen labeled E obtained from part of a plant.
Examine it.
a) (i) Boil some water in a beaker.
Using a pair of forceps, carefully immerse one leaflet from E into boiling water with the upper surface facing up. Immediately observe what happens.
Repeat the procedure with a fresh leaflet from E but with the lower surface facing up. Observe what happens. Record your observations. 2mks*Tso*
(ii) Account for the observations a(i) above 5mks*Tso*
b)(i) Count the number of leaflets in specimen E including the ones you have used in part (a) above.
Record your result. 1mk*Tso*
(ii) Trace one leaflet from specimen E on the graph grid provided.
Assuming that all leaflets are approximately of same size, determine the surface area of the entire leaf. Show your working. 5mks*Tso*
iii) What is the significance of this surface area of the leaf to the plant? 1mk*Tso*
2. You are provided with specimens labeled R and S. Examine them.
a) Giving reasons, state the phylum of the specimens 4mks*Tso*
b) (i) Name the class to which specimens R and S belong. 2mks*Tso*

(ii) State two features that are characteristics of the class mentioned in b(i) above
Specimen R 2mks*Tso*

Specimen S 2mks*Tso*
c) State how the body shape, colour and position of legs adapts specimen R to its environment. 3mks*Tso*
(i) Body shape 4mks*Tso*
(ii) Colour 1mk*Tso*
(iii) Position of the legs 1mk*Tso*

3. You have been provided with specimens labeled K and L. Examine them
a) State their identity 2mks*Tso*
b) Give a reason in each case. 2mks*Tso*
c) Give two observable differences between specimens K and L. 2mks*Tso*

Specimen K Specimen L


d) State the part of the mammalian skeleton from where these specimens were obtained.
Specimen K 1mk*Tso*
Specimen L 1mk*Tso*
e) Draw and label the parts of the anterior view of specimen L. 5mks*Tso*

231/1 BIOLOGY THEORY 1. (a) What is meant by resolving power of a microscope. 2mks*TRZ*
b) State the reason behind the addition of iodine solution, to an onion epidermis on a slide while being observed on a light microscope. 1mk*TRZ*
2. a) It is necessary for large organisms to have an elaborate transport system. Explain why.2mks
b) Explain why an Amoeba does not require a transport system. 1mk*TRZ*
3. State the role of Hydrochloric acid in the stomach. 2mks*TRZ*
4. Explain how presence of hairs on a leaf lowers the rate of transpiration. 2mks*TRZ*
5. Account for the osmoregulatory changes that would take place in a marine amoeba if it was transferred to a fresh water environment. 3mks*TRZ*
6. Identify the structural adaptation of a male and female parts of a flower, for wind pollination. 2mks*TRZ*
7. Lamarcks theory of evolution has been rejected by scientist today. Explain why. 2mks *TRZ*
8. State the role played by an exoskeleton in the class insecta. 3mk*TRZ*
9. What is apical dominance? 2mks*TRZ*
10. State the role of the following in digestion in a mammal:
(a) Teeth 1mk*TRZ*
(b) Enzymes 1mk*TRZ*
11. When are the following hormones secreted?
(a) Insulin hormone. 1mk*TRZ*
(b) Anti-diuretic hormone. (ADH) 2mks*TRZ*
12. A form three class set up the experiment shown below. Make a careful observation and answer the questions that follow.

If the set up was kept at a room temperature for one week,
(a) What was the aim of the experiment? 1mk*TRZ*
b) Account for the results at the end of the experiment. 2mks. *TRZ*
13. State the importance of sexual reproduction in living organisms. 2mks*TRZ*
14. State the role of saprophytes in an ecosystem. 2mks*TRZ*
15. List three characteristics that would place man in the class mammalia. 3mks*TRZ*
16. Name two support tissues in plants. 2mks*TRZ*
17 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow:

a) Identify the parts labeled: 1mk*TRZ*
b) Explain how water from structure Q reaches structure T. 3mks*TRZ*
18. State how a root hair cell is adopted for its functions. 2mks*TRZ*
19. a) State two ways in which plants get rid of their nitrogenous wastes. 2mks*TRZ*
b) State two adaptations of the nephron for selective re-absorption. 2mks*TRZ*
20. Describe any two ways in which an alveolus is adapted to its functions. 2mks*TRZ*
21. Account for the loss in dry weight of cotyledons in a germinating bean seed. 2mks*TRZ*
22. a) Name the type of responses exhibited by
i) Movement of termites from dry soil towards moist soil. 1mk*TRZ*
ii) Twinning stem on contact with a support. 1mk*TRZ*
b) State the significance of the responses you have named in a) above. 2mks*TRZ*
23. Name the parts of the mammalian ear that are responsible for:
a) Amplification of sound vibrations. 1mk*TRZ*
b) Regulation of air pressure on both sides of the ear drum. 1mk*TRZ*
24. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

a) Name the parts labeled: 2mks*TRZ*
b) In which of the labeled parts would:
i) Carbon (iv) oxide fixation occur? 1mk*TRZ*
ii) Light absorption take place? 1mk*TRZ*
25. With reference to inheritance of genetic defects, state the meaning of the term carrier. 2mks*TRZ*
26. Chloroquin has been used for many years since its discovery, for the treatment of malaria, but it is no longer effective. Suggest why it is no longer effective. 2mks*TRZ*
27. Identify the type of muscle found in:
a) Sweat duct. 1mk*TRZ*
b) Heart 1mk*TRZ*
28. Give an account for each of the following:

a) Xylem vessels do not collapse even when they do not contain water. 1mk*TRZ*
b) A mature onion epidermal cell does not lose its shape even after losing water. 1mk*TRZ*
29. a) What are vestigial structures? 2mks*TRZ*
b) State an example of a vestigial structure in man. 1mk*TRZ*
30. A student hammered a nail 1.5 meters high on the stem of a four-year-old tree. Suggest where you would expect to find the nail five years later when the tree will have grown further. 2mks*TRZ*
31. When is a plant cell said to be fully plasmolysed? 2mks*TRZ*
32. Study the flow diagram showing the process of blood clotting and answer the questions that follow:

Vit K Prothrombin platelets





a) Name the substance labeled X. 1mk*TRZ*
b) State the importance of the substance labeled Z 2mks*TRZ*

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