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Tranzoia District Bio Ppr 3 Question Paper

Tranzoia District Bio Ppr 3 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006


1. You are provided with solutions X,Y and Z . Z is the same as Y except that Z has been boiled.
Label three test-tubes A,B and C
Into the test-tube labeled A add 1ml of solution X
Into the test tube labeled B add 1ml of X and 1ml of Y
Into the test-tube labeled C add 1ml of X and 1ml of Z *TRZ*

a) Withdraw a drop from test-tube A and place it on a whitetile. To the drop add one drop of iodine solution. Record your observations in the table below.
Test tube Observations Conclusions
Repeat the procedure with contents in test-tubes B and C. Record your observations in the table place the three test-tubes labeled A, B and C into a water bath at 370C.

Ensure that the temperature of the water bath does not fall below 350C exceed 380c.
Leave the set up for about 30 minutes.

b) After 30 minutes, test the contents of each of the test-tubes labeled A,B and C following the procedures in (a) above. Record your observations in the table below. 3mks*TRZ*
Test tube Observations Conclusions
c) Account for the results at the end of the experiment in the test tube labeled.
(i) B (1 mark)
(ii) C ( 1 mark)
(d) (i) Suggest the identity of solution Y. 1mk*TRZ*
(ii) Give three reasons for your answer in (d) (i) above. 3mks*TRZ*
e) (i) Suggest where the process being investigated in this experiment would take place in a mammal 1mk*TRZ*
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (e) (i) above. 1mk*TRZ*
Q. 2 You are provided with specimens labeled K,L and M.
Below is a dichotomous key to enable you identify the taxonomic group to which each specimen belongs *TRZ*
1. a) Animal with segmented body Go to 3
b) Animal without segmented body Go to 2
2. a) Animal with flattened body PLATYHELMINTH
b) Animal with cylindrical body NEMATODA
3. a) Animal with jointed appendages Go to 4
b) Animal without jointed appendages ANNELIDA
4. a) Animal with more than three pairs of legs Go to 5
b) Animal with three pairs of legs Go to 6
5. a) Animal with one pair of legs per segment CHILOPODA
b) Animal with two pairs of legs per segment DIPLOPODA
6. a) Animal with wings Go to 7
b) Animal without wings ISOPTERA
7. a) Animal with one pair of wings DIPTERA
b) Animal with two pairs of wings Go to 8
8. a) Animal with two pairs of membranous wings HYMENOPTERA
b)Animal with a pair of hard forewings and a pair of
membraneous hind wings COLEOPTERA

a) Identify K and M. In each case show insequence the steps (number and letter) in the key that you followed to arrive at the identity of each specimen. 4mks*TRZ*
Identity of specimens Steps followed
b) (i) Using observable features only, state the phylum to which specimens K,Land m belong 1mk
(ii) State two observable features that enable you to arrive at the answer in (b) (i) above. 2mks*TRZ*
d) With the help of a hand lens, examine the body of specimen K and L.
(i) Draw a large diagram of the dorsal view of the head portion of K and state your magnification. 2mks*TRZ*
(ii) State with a reason in each case, two observable features that enable the specimen L to be a disease vector. 1mk*TRZ*
(iii) State two methods that can be used to prevent specimen L from spreading diseases. 1mk*TRZ*
3. You are provided with a specimen labeled P which is immersed in water. Remove it from the water. Using a sharp razor blade, cut thin transverse sections of the specimen. Ensure that the specimen and the blade are kept wet throughout the procedure. Place the sections in water. Choose the thinnest section and mount it in water on a microscope slide and cover it with a coverslip. Examine under low power of the microscope. *TRZ*

d) Draw a plan diagram of the section and label the parts 6mks*TRZ*
b) In the table below, list any six parts you have labeled. For each part state one function. 3mks
Part Function

© (i) From your observation of the section, state the class of the plant from which the pieces of stems were obtained. 1mk*TRZ*
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (c) (i) above. 1mk*TRZ*
d) (i) Give the formula for working out the magnification of a specimen observed under a microscope. 1mk*TRZ*
(ii) Using the formula, calculate the low power magnification of the section. 1mk*TRZ*
e) Explain why the specimen was kept wet throughout the procedure. 1mk*TRZ*
f) State the purpose of adding iodine solution in the preparation of the wet mount. 1mk*TRZ*

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