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Turkana District Bio Ppr 3 Question Paper

Turkana District Bio Ppr 3 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

I. You are provided with pieces of liver, lungs and dry saw dust. Label test tube 1,2,3 and 4 and in each test tube add 4mls of hydrogen peroxide.
Cut a portion of liver 1 cm and carefully place it in test tube labeled 1.
(a) Observe and record what happens. (1 Mark) *Trk*

b) Hold a glowing splint near the mouth of the test tube in l(a) above and observe. Write a
chemical equation c) Carry out the following procedures for test tubes labelled 2, 3 and 4. To test tube 2: Place the
remaining portion of the liver in a mortar.
Add a little fine sand and grind with a pestle
Transfer the ground mixture into test tube 2. Thoroughly wash pestle and mortar.
To test tube 3: Cut 1 cm of lungs and repeat grinding procedure for as for 1 (c above) Transfer ground mixture to test tube 3.
Test tube 4: Put half spattula full of fine sawdust into test tube labelled 4.
Record your observations in the table below. (3 Marks)*Trk*

(d) Explain observations made in test tubes 2, 3 and 4. ( 6 Marks) *Trk*
(e) Why is grinding of specimens necessary? ( 2 Marks) *Trk*
(f) Hydrogen peroxide should not accumulate in tissues. Give reason. (1 Mark)*Trk*
2. You are provided with specimens M, N, P and O.
Make a transverse section of specimen P and O. Examine the cut surface of each specimen.
(a) Describe the placentation in each specimen. ( 2 Marks) *Trk*
(b) (i Draw and label the transverse section of specimen O. ( 4 Marks) *Trk*
State the magnification. ( 1Mark) *Trk*
(ii) the agent of disposal for specimen:
P - ( 1 Mark) *Trk*
O - (1 Mark) *Trk*
State in each case one observable feature for your answer in 2(b)(ii) above. (2 Marks) *Trk*
(iii) Give one advantage that method of disposal of specimen P has over that of O. (1 Mark) *Trk*
c) In the table below, name the method of disposal and state the observable features that adapt specimens M and N to their respective natural methods of disposal. (4 Marks) *Trk*
Specimen Method Features
3. Using a hand-lens, observe specimen H provided.
(a) Draw and label the observable features of the specimen. ( 4 Marks) *Trk*
(b) (i) State the division to which specimen H belongs. ( 1 Mark) *Trk*
(ii) Reason ( 1 Mark) *Trk*
(c) State functions of any two observable parts labeled in the diagram of specimen H. (2 Marks) *Trk*
(d) Using the diagram drawn in 3(a) above, indicate the sporophyte and gametophyte. (2 Marks) *

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