Che 310 : Chemistry Of S- And -P Block Elements Question Paper

Che 310 : Chemistry Of S- And -P Block Elements 

Course:Bachelor Of Education (Science)|Bachelor Of Science|Bachelor Of Science In Biology

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2016

1a) Ionic mobility for Group IA elements is not constant. why ?

b) how does metallicity of Group III A elements vary on descending the group

c) account for the differences in bonding for BBr3 and AlBr3

d) show the hydrolysis product of organo silicon compound, CH3SiCl3 and of what importance is such a hydrolysis product ?

2a) account for existence 0f pentahalides of phosphorus, PX5 and non-existence of pentahydrides, PH5

b) why is bond angle in H2O, H-O-H =105 degree while that in H2Se, H-Se-H =91 degree?

c) use valence bond theory to explain the type of bonding in SO3

3a) what kind of bonds exist in HClO2 and why ?

b) use the valence bond theory to show the type of bpnding in HClO2 and draw its structure

c) explain the relative stabilities of IF3 and IF7

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