Aht419:Science And Technology Since 1500. Question Paper

Aht419:Science And Technology Since 1500. 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Answer Any THREE Questions

1.Define the terms Science and Technology.How has the understanding of the term science changed over time to achieve its modern characteristics?

2.What is the balance sheet of scientific development in the European Middle ages?

3."Copernican Astronomy was not radically different from the Classical one?Assess this statement.

4.Discuss Sir Isaac Newton's contributions to the scientific understanding of optics,universal Law of gravitation and calculus.

5.What do you consider to be overall impact of the new agrarian and industrial technologies on European societies in the 18th and 19th centuries?

6.With reference to examples explain the factors which have promoted and hindered the development of science ande technology in Africa since tthe 15th century.

7.Examine the scientific advances since the 20th century and their impact on human history.

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