Khasoko High School Form 1 Physics Cat Ii Tearm Ii  Question Paper

Khasoko High School Form 1 Physics Cat Ii Tearm Ii  


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2018

Name..................................................ADM..................... CLASS............


SECTION A(30mks)
1. State the principle of transmission of pressure in fluids.(1mk)

2.A hydraulic machine has a smaller piston of diameter 14cm and a larger of diameter 700cm. If a force of 200N is exerted oon the small piston calculate the force on the large piston. (4mks)

4.State any two applications of the Pascal principle.(2mks)

5. A girl of mass 30kg stand on a floor.Determine the weight of the girl.[Take g=10N/kg] (3mks)

6.Define force and state its SI unit (2mks)

7.Name the type of force which is responsible for each of the following. (4mks)
a) Falling of a cut tree.

b) Floating razor blade on water.

c) Writing on the chalkboard.

d) Rising water in a straw.

8. Explain why does water wet the surface of glass but mercury does not. (3mks)

9. The density of a substance is 15g/cm3. Express this in SI units.(3mks)

10.A bottle 15cm tall form a shadow of length 20cm. A tree nearby forms a shadow of 800cm calculate the tree. (3mks)

12.Describe the precautions taken when taking measurement using a metre rule. (3mks)

13. Define length and state its SI unit.(2mks)

SECTION B (50mks)

14.a) Define pressure and state its SI unit (2mks)

b) Describe how a lift pump works. (6mks)

c) State the limitation of lift pump (1mk)

d) How can the limitation (c) above be solved (1mk)

15.a) Define matter and its SI unit. (2mks)

b) Explain using diagrams the three states of matter

c) Why does hot water dissove faster than cold water. (2mks)

16.Two identical capillary tubes are dipped upright, one in a beaker of water and the other in a beaker of water.

a) Draw diagrams to show the liquid levels inside capillary tubes and levels in both beakers. (4mks)

b) State and explain the observations made in both setups in (a) above in terms of molecular forces. (6mks)

17.a) Whats if diffusion (2mks)

b) State three physical factors which depends on diffusion(3mks)

c) Explain why a small leaking laboratory gas tap in one corner of the room can be detected by a person in the other corner of the room. (2mks)

d) How does Pressure vary with diffusion. Explain (3mks)

18.a) Draw a well diagram show various parts of a hydraulic brake system. (5mks)

b) What is the function of thr brake fluid.(1mk)

c) State 3 properties of the fluid used in the hydraulic brake system. (3mks)


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