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National Mock / Post Mock Examination Biology Paper Question Paper

National Mock / Post Mock Examination Biology Paper 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2010

Answer all questions in this section.
1. A microscope used in an experiment had the specifications below: Low power magnification x100, high power magnification x500, a low power field of view of 1,500 microns. Calculate the high power field of view of this microscope. (2mks)
2. Below is a chemical process catalysed by enzymes at steps I, II and III.
W ? X ? Y ? Z .
step I step II step III
a) State what would happen to W, X, Y and Z if an inhibitor is introduced at step II. (2mks)
b) How does an inhibitor work? (1mk)
3. a) In an attempt to clear water hyacinth from lake Victoria, beettles have been introduced on them. What is the term given to this method of control? (1mk)
b) State two advantages of the control method named in a) above as opposed to the use of herbicides. (2mks)
4. An underground part of a plant was dug up and found to have the following features:
i) Scale leaves, ii) axillary buds iii) horizontal swollen stem.
From these features, the plant part was likely to have bee a _________ (1mk)
5. In matching the blood group of a patient, it was seen that it agglutinates with antisera A and B but not with antiserum (anti-Rhesus antibodies). What was the blood group of the patient? (1mk)
6 a) A woman gave birth to triplets, two of which were identical twins. Explain how this could have occurred.(2mks)
b) State two roles of amniotic fluid in placental mammals. (1mk)
7. When mimosa pudica is touched, the leaves fold up. Name this type of response. (1mk)
8. It was observed by a group of students visiting a national park that an adult elephant flaps its ears more frequently than a young one. Account for this observation. (2mks)
The table below shows a list of four human diseases. Complete the table by naming the causative agent. (2mks)
Disease Causative agent

10. Differentiate between:
a) Analogous and homologous structures.
b) Diffusion and active transport. (1mk)

11. Table below contains recommended daily intakes of nutrients from different persons.
Energy(KJ) Protein(g) Calcium(g) Iron(g)
Man sedentary
Very active
Boy (15-18)yrs
Pregnant woman
Girl 9250
10500 60
70 0.5
0.7 12

a) Why does a boy age 15-18 years require the same number of Kilojoules as a very active man? (1mk)
b) Comment on the quality of protein required by a pregnant woman and a very active man. (2mks)
c) Comment on the quality of calcium needed by a pregnant woman. (2mks)
d) Why does the girl require more iron than the boy? (1mk)

12. Diagram shown below is of two adjacent synaptic knobs.

a) Identify the parts labelled A and B. (1mk)
b) Explain the functions of the following in the synaptic knob. (2mks)
i) Synaptic vesicle
ii) Mitochondria
c) i) Use an illustration to show the distribution of ions during resting and action potential on a short portion of an axon. (2mks)
ii) Explain the role of sodium pump during the process of repolarization. (1mk)
13. A potted plant with variegated leaves was left in total darkness for 48 hours, then one
leaf still attached to the plant had an aluminium foil with a cicular hole put as shown
below. After six hours of exposure to sunlight, the leaf was removed from the plant
and tested for starch.

a) In the table below state four steps in their correct sequence that you would follow to test the detached leaf for starch. Give a reason for each step. (4mks)




b) Why was the plant kept in darkness before the experiment started? (1mk)
c) In the space below sketch the appearance of the leaf above after starch test. (1mk)
d) What conclusion can be drawn from this experiment? (1mk)
e) Why was it unnecessary to also detach and test a control leaf after the period of exposure to light? (1mk)
14. The diagram shown below represents a joint in the mammalian skeleton.

a) Name the type of joint shown in the diagram. (1mk)
b) Name the parts labelled F, G, H, I, J and K. (3mks)
c) Name two parts of the body where this type of joint is found. (2mks)
d) State two functions of the structure labelled E. (2mks)
15. A breed of dogs has long hair dominant to short hair. A long haired bitch was first mated with a short haired dog and produced three long haired and three short haired puppies. Her second mating with a long haired dog produced a litter with all the puppies long haired.
a) i) Use suitable letters to represent the allele for long and short hair. (1mk)
ii) What was the genotype of the long haired bitch? Give a reason for your answer. (2mks)
b) In the space below show how you would determine which of the long haired puppies in the second mating were hormozygous. (2mks)

16. The table below represents percentage of oxygen and carbondioxide in different samples of air.
Gas Atmospheric air Alveolar air Exhaled air
Carbon dioxide 20.96%
0.03% 13.8%
5.5% 16.4%
a) i) What is the difference between the percentage of oxygen in the alveolar air and that in exhaled air. (1mk)
ii) What is the reason for this difference ? (1mk)
b) Why does the alveolar air contain more carbon dioxide than atmospheric air. (1mk)
c) Why does a man breath faster after a race? (2mks)
d) A man who normally lives at sea-level moves to a place which is 2000m above sea level. He finds that the breathing rate is increased. Explain why this happens. (2mks)

Answer question 17 (must) in the spaces provided and either question 18 or 19 in the spaces after question 19.
17. The figure shown below is of an investigation into the growth pattern of Rabbits.

a) i) Name the phases marked a, b and c. (3mks).
ii) Explain the shape of the graph. (3mks)
b) Account for your explaination in a.ii) above (9mks)
c) i) Supposing the growth pattern was for an insect, sketch the graph that will be obtained. (3mks)
ii) Name the curve you have sketched in c.i) above. (1mk)
iii) Account for the shape of the curve you have sketched in c.i) above. (2mks)
18 a) Explain how a mammalian ear is adapted to its functions. (16mks)
b) State differences between Nervous communication and Endocrine communication. (4mks)
19. Explain how:-
a) Fresh water fishes are adapted to overcome the problem of osmoregulation. (4mks)
b) Predators are adapted to apprehend the prey. (4mks)
c) Xerophytes are adapted to their habitat. (12mks)

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