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Volume Vii National Mock / Post Mock Examination Agriculture P1 Question Paper

Volume Vii National Mock / Post Mock Examination Agriculture P1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. State four practices which destroy soil structure. (2mks)
2. Give the function of a creep area in a pigsty. (2mks)
3. a) State one use of each of the following farm tools:
i) a mason trowel. (1mk)
ii) a pair of tin snips. (1mk)
b) Which tool would be required for each of the following operations?
i) cutting wool from sheep. (1mk)
ii) castrating piglets. (1mk)
4. Give four precautions you would take when harvesting to ensure that cotton picked is of high quality (2mks)
5. List four factors that influence herbicidal selectivity and effectiveness in weed control. (2mks)
6. a) Give four advantages of a tractor in farm mechanisation. (2mks)
b) Outline two limitations of tractor power. (2mks)
7. Give the name of symbiotic bacteria which fixes nitrogen in the root nodules of leguminous plants (1mk)
8. Give two reasons why a rabbit may disown its young ones. (2mks)
9. a) State four types of risks and uncertainities. (3mks)
b) Outline how the government helps farmers to overcome risk and uncertainities. (3mks)
10. a) In which ionic form is the element sulphur absorbed by plants. (1mk)
b) i) State any three deficiency symptoms of nitrogen in crops. (3mks)
ii) State two sources of Nitrogen in the soil for plants. (2mks)
11. a) Define the following terms:
i) Forage crop. (1mk) ii) An Apiary. (1mk)
b) How do you ensure proper forage utilization in livestock production . (2mks)
12. a) What is leaching. (1mk)
b) Name two factors which increases the rate of leaching.
13. a) State one important role of the hormone testerone in male livestock. ( ½ mk)
b) State three important objectives of steaming up in livestock . (1 ½ mks)

14. State four factors that determine siting of a farm structure. (2mks)
15. State any four uses of crush in a farm. (2mks)
16. a) Mr. Akugo wishes to fence a straight fence 4.40 m long bourdering the school farm. Find out how many cedar posts he will require if the distance from one post to a nother is 2m. (2mks)
b) Mr. Akugo Applied 150kg N.P.K 25:20:15 to his one hectare of tobacco in Osogo area. Calculate how many kg of each of the fertilizer element he applied. (3mks)
17. a) State two disadvantages of serving Fresian heifers when they are less than 18 months old (2mks)
b) List three factors that make it possible for a camel to survive in arid and semi-arid areas. (3mks)]
18. a) What factors contribute to the success of a co-operative society. (3mks)
b) State four main functions of marketing boards. (2mks)
c) Name two channels through which marketing boards buy produce from farmers. (2mks)
19. Distinguish between passive and active acquired immunity in livestock health. (2mks)
20. Give one characteristic symptoms of attack by nematodes on roots of tomatoes. (1mk)
21. a) State three ways of increasing effeciency in farming. (3mks)
b) List four factors which effect the profitability of egg production entreprise. (4mks)
22. a) Give two methods that can be used to improve local breeds of livestock. (2mks)
b) State four merits of using AI in livestock breeding . (4mks)
23. State six reasons why farmers are adviced to practice mixed farming. (3mks)

24.a) Describe the management practices involved in rearing of a day-old chicks upto the age of 8 weeks (16mks)
b) Explain the management practices livestock farmers should adopt to reduce the problem of feed shortage during drought. (4mks)
25. The transaction below shows Mrs.Odhiambo’s financial position in farm business for the year 1997. Use this information to answer the question that follow:
- Milk sales - sh 8,000.00
- Purchase of farm tools - sh 1,000.00
- Sales of goats - sh 500.00
- Constraction of zero grazing unit- sh 10,000.00
- Closing valuation - sh 16,000.00
- Depreciation of machinery - sh 800.00
- Interest payable - sh 750.00
- Purchase of pesticides - sh 300.00
- Veterinsry bills - sh 400.00
- Sales of cabbage - sh 750.00
- Wages - sh 4800.00
- Sales of one heifer - sh 9400.00
- Opening valuation - s h12,000.00
- Tea sales - sh 4,700.00
i) Prepare the profit and loss account of Mrs.Odhiambo’s farm. (15mks)
ii) What percentage profit or loss did Mrs. Odhiambo make during the year 1997. (5mks)
26 a) State the principles involved in planning a crop rotation programme. (6mks)
b) Describe field management praticises involved in coffee production. (24mks)

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